HSanders Aug 12, 2011 http://www.patriotsplanet.com/BB/showthread.php?t=61252 There you go! Box luv FTW! I read a lot in the offseason especially too. Much as I love it, I am always happy when I can cut it down because football is back.
http://www.patriotsplanet.com/BB/showthread.php?t=61252 There you go! Box luv FTW! I read a lot in the offseason especially too. Much as I love it, I am always happy when I can cut it down because football is back.
PatrietteAz May 6, 2011 Hey Box..do you know how I can get the thread removed? You are right thanks for the input
Dwight Schrute Mar 18, 2011 I thought they looked like Jawas, but didn't figure for you to channel your inner Jaric. Never seen Spaceballs, thats why it passed me.
I thought they looked like Jawas, but didn't figure for you to channel your inner Jaric. Never seen Spaceballs, thats why it passed me.
BostonTim Feb 7, 2011 You aren't the firstll me officious. ROFl. My mom called me that God rest her soul. Cheers