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  • Try fitting in with the rest of us if you wanna hang around.

    Oh and in the regular season or po's? It
    I want to apologize. For those who take everything here to personal attacks. That is just sick and twisted. There is something very wrong with people like that. Look, you came here all bragging on your team and QB. You have everything coming to you directed at your team and QB. But the personal shit is just wrong. You just came here feeling all that bout your team. Doesn't make you evil, demented, retarded, or stupid. Many colts fans have preceeded you here. Some are regulars here now. So I apologize for all of them.

    But your QB is the biggest choke artist in the history of the
    And you of all people shouldn't be neg repping and commenting to someone about, and I quote you, "trashing the thread".
    Please don't come to the board that I've been a member of for five-plus years and send me a rep comment telling me what to do and/or when and how to respond. I don't care about your propoganda or much of anything else you have to say.
    I love colder weather (grew up in Florida but live in New England out of choice), and Manning remains my all-time favorite athlete in any sport, so it's natural that the Broncos grew on me. So yeah, you're still looking good. ;)
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