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  • Shawn made it back to Germany two weeks ago, his folks are heading over there next month to see him. I like his girlfriend, we've been teasing her unmercifully about marrying into the family to do her post-graduate work in psychology. From all I've heard this tour was pretty low key compared to the last time you two were in-country. I'm happy for that, his big brother has struggled so much with PTSD after two Iraq visits and one to Afghanistan - the VA has him at 100% as of last month.
    "We'll always have our inter-service rivalry..."

    I'm sure you know what A.R.M.Y. is an acronym for. ;)
    Please accept my apology. I am going to stay out of the political forum but my outburst was not appropriate. Please know however, that I don't ever try to lecture. Maybe my posting style comes across that way but I am simply trying to express MY opinion which is what everyone on the board does in their own way.
    Thanks- sorry I missed this. I was away for the Holidays and forgot my log-in info, so I was only able to read the forums, not post. Best wishes to you as well- I appreciate it.
    oops missed your answer cuz it was here! sorry.
    a bit cooler here too? plus the family and all is here, so most excellent for you! :thumb:
    Fort Leavenworth via the Fort Lee, Va. satellite campus. All of the reading and coursework is a killer, but I'm having a ball and it beats being shot at!
    Command and General Staff College
    where is that? i have an LTC going to escort me to the PATS-Steelers game and the War Museum in Newport during my RI visit
    I have you on ignore. GO AWAY. Seriously- stop harrassing me on MY profile! Your incessant need to get the last word in on everything is annoying and rude. GO AWAY!!!
    Yes, I know what ad hominem means, and so, cry me a river- you'll have to get over it. I don't like you or your opinions, nor do I appreciate the way you dominate conversations on the forum as if your POV is unassailable and correct 100% of the time. You're one of those Americans I find embarrassing because you take yourself entirely too seriously. You demand the right to your views, but have little respect for others and where they are coming from. If you don't appreciate my criticism of you, then tough. If the shoe fits, wear it. Besides- what are you doing snooping around my profile anyway? I have zero interest in you, and I find it extremely lame that you are now posting indignant little messages to me. Go away.
    I did not go ad hominem on you. Do you know what it even means? I don't appreciate your bad mouthing me to another member.
    Tracey- I'm off to an army school for a few months and don't have an active address for anyone over there to send books to. My recommendation is to do the Operation Paperback thing- they'll be put to good use.

    As for the forum, I had made a point of staying away, but was actually having some fun in there. It saddens me to see a complete lack of give-and-take; BradyLady and luso are convinced they are right and absolutely unwilling to concede that any of their talking points may be flawed, inaccurate or whatnot. I tried to explain that their premise that Georgia "started" the whole crisis was flawed, so instead of acknowledging my salient points based on personal experience as an army tank officer, they ignored those points and went ad hominem. Unfortunately, that's just the way some folks are when it comes to politics. I don't have all the answers, but I know what I know, and letting Georgia twist in the wind tells every other country in the world that we won't have their back despite the endless platitudes we spout about freedom and democracy. To me, that's worth defending. Especially when you consider the size of that oil pipeline moving through Georgia to the Caspian Sea. Do we really want the Russians taking control of that sizeable source of crude? It just puts us more in a tough spot internationally.

    OK- off on a tangent, but you're definitely one of the good ones. I really appreciate all you did for me over there.

    Hi Kirk - thanx for the nice reply in the political forum. I knew you had it in you, knuckle dragger!! lol. It's a bit too testy for me in there but I appreciate the responses that have helped me understand things I had no idea about. I'm glad the guys liked the books. Would you believe I have more to send?? Do you have a buddy who needs a delivery? I can do the Operation Paperback shipment if not. Take care!
    Hi Kirk, a belated welcome home. Hope the family is settling in your new digs :)

    It's almost football time!
    Ola, B's are in 16 wins is all I ask for.

    Oh and umm are you talking to yourself below??
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