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  • Sounds like a great day to me. I'm very well, thank you for asking. Haven't played yet, but soon, hopefully. I'll have a few people over for some beer and football talk tomorrow night. Screw Easter-- draft day is my holiday. HIT EM STRAIGHT.
    How have you been? I'm playing my first round of golf tomorrow morning. Just 9 but I'm excited. Then get a little work done and a quick nap and then the draft. Life is good!!!!
    Thanks Hawg. I hate it when the go over everyon's head (or, er under thier feet cause they so bad).

    I got your check, thanks again so much :kisss: I didn't know you were a John. My older brother is a John who has aways been Jack too. :)
    Hey Jack...
    Hope all's well...had a bit of a computer probe..lost your email addy..could you shoot me an email to eagle1980a@gmail.com I have something I wanted to forward to you somehing for shits and giggles
    Be Well TA
    I watched the movie the night of the Jets game because I couldn't sleep. Little did I know this movie would simply perpetuate my inability to sleep. Furthermore, I'd had a pretty excellent "family" day, despite the game. So as they all went off to bed for the night, that was my "ah well, at least I've got all this" sentiment to alleviate the pain from the loss. Then I watch this... My God. I think I finally dozed off around 4 AM.
    awesome line

    I guess that explains why you have only 92 posts in 10 years. We get some folks that hit that number their first day.
    Word in SF when he played here is that Francis is a bit light in the loafers. Not that there's anything wrong with that! Guy can ball!! (poor choice of phrase? lol)
    Aww thanks Hawg for the compliments. :o And you should still send me a friend request anyway even if you don't FB much. :)
    Thanks, Hawg! Actually I'm a veterinarian but my mom, dad and 2 sisters and brother are all surgeons (physicians). I grew up with this medical jargon. And, yes, I love the Pats just as you do!
    Thanks for the rep Hawg. I was hoping me and you are still on speaking terms. I had not had a chance to talk with you since the night I make an idiot of myself.
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