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  • lol I've been on facebook for 4-5 yrs now a-hole ;) Including a page for my company .. I may be a polack but I'm not a total moron. ;)
    Hey man ...long time no type. ;)

    Doing good out here in the woods, you may even see a tv commercial for my thermal imaging next year. lol Hope all is well with you and yours.
    I'd like to go there in early November and come home early April :-D
    I see you don't post here very much either. I got sick of a few "regulars" as well.
    lol My wife and I where saying the same thing ...San Diego perfect weather year round ... we'll probably end up somewhere within 2hrs of Vegas though. lol
    F-me with a brick ...thought I posted it on your wall ...guess senility is setting in!
    Now that I'm into thermal imaging the only vacations we go on are very pricey seminars. The Pitt job was in Oakdale PA, No going away for our anniversary this year was too busy. Last January I was in FLA for 4 days ... this January we will be in New Orleans for 7 days... I'm flying out to Phoenix in a few weeks to inspect a 700k sq ft shopping center. Wish that one was later in the year but I'm not complaining! ;) Any time I feel the need to be in a winning town I just drive the 280 miles to Foxborough MA ;)
    What have you been up to?
    Good to see you're still around. Really appreciate your boys cleaning out the AFCE trash last January.
    Obviously anyone who knows Babs knows he LOVES his beer. Is that off-topic? Grieve and hope your own way. But get off your high horse about telling everyone else how to act. Babs is going to love each and every post in that thread when he comes to and is able to sit down and read it. Just ask him when the time comes. Hopefully you'll have the strength to come forward and admit your error in judgement after the fact. If Bab's expresses displeasure with what I've posted I know I will.
    I've met all of them in person that you've listed and I'd venture to say that when they read thru a thread after they've come out of their trouble like Bab's they'd laugh, they'd cry, and they'd be touched greatly by the outpouring of support. You really need to open your mind about it a little more IMO. The whole thread is about support, shown by all, and listed in different ways. Some favored prayer. Religion is a priority in their lives. Not mine. But I don't get offended by someone offering their support that way. I listed a beer dedication. (cont'd)
    Your point is riddled with hypotheticals - one of them including a knowingly grave prognosis where even you have to know that folks would be responding and posting differently were that the case. I have no interest in debating circumstances in which there are variables to what is actually occurring. The only post that I took offense to in that thread was yours. But fear not as it did it's job and I will not be posting anything more than a word or two in that thread again.
    I get that but I am not without sin and have no problem saying it, we all mess up at times and like I said we all deal different
    Well Saturday is completely out of the question unless I want to be divorced by Monday. I'll try my best for Friday.
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