Just realized I never got back to ya Senior year was my favorite! I just started talking about my 10 year reunion with the class president and you are graduating this year, Damn I feel old LOL Well enjoy it! Don't slack off too hard
Hey "Old" is a matter of perception my young friend. I am excellent! Very busy but also very good. Married life is treating me very well. e have been enjoying a winter filled with lots of skiing and many trips to the local Tuesday night matinee priced theatre. My school year has gone very well also. My classes have been great. My track teams have done very well so far. My indoor track team finished 2nd in the league championships and 8th at the state meet and my outdoor team starts Friday with our only home meet. I have completed four classes towards my masters in educational leadership and I am certified to become an assistant principal or an athletic director.
How is life in your world? School? Athletics? College search started yet? Get on it! lol.
You were on my ignore list, but not anymore. Sorry...I had a bit of a field day with the ignore feature once, when I guess I couldn't take the heat one day!