So from the jump I used a weird calculator, so the numbers are a bit crazy.
*And I messed up the picks that the Bills have, so not exactly right in anycase
So I was having a conversation elsewhere, and the idea of trading back came up, it always does....This is a bad top of the draft, why would anyone want to trade up? So I started thinking about it, I think our best opportunity for trading back would be if Hunter is available, and if for some reason the team doesn't want him. I don't think any of the QBs are worth the trade up, and if Carter is there we should just take him. But Hunter is interesting. about 33% of the league is looking for a #1 CB, and alot of those teams are in the back half of the round. The problem is that those teams don't have alot of extra capital this year, so the trade would have to be built around '26 picks, or maybe players.
Here is the list of teams, any extra picks in the first two rounds, and where they draft.
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#4 and #69 for #30, #60,and #61? That is about right on calculators.