Artistic Creation
As to the role of emotions in art and the subconscious mechanism that serves as the integrating factor both in artistic creation and in man’s response to art, they involve a psychological phenomenon which we call a sense of life. A sense of life is a pre-conceptual equivalent of metaphysics, an emotional, subconsciously integrated appraisal of man and of existence.
“The Psycho-Epistemology of Art,”
The Romantic Manifesto, 24
It is the artist’s sense of life that controls and integrates his work, directing the innumerable choices he has to make, from the choice of subject to the subtlest details of style. It is the viewer’s or reader’s sense of life that responds to a work of art by a complex, yet automatic reaction of acceptance and approval, or rejection and condemnation.
“Art and Sense of Life,”
The Romantic Manifesto, 34
----Salvidor Dali -- "Drawing is the honesty of Art. There is no possibility of cheating. It is either good or bad.---
---Recently I published an Ayn Rand quotation about Art. One of our group members objected to my choice of a work of Art which was one of my own. I am not a Realist. I am a Nonrepresentational Abstract Expressionist. We have almost as many genres of Art as we have viewers of that Art. I don't produce Art that necessarily one would want to hang over their sofa because it contained a recognizable image or matched the color of their sofa. As always I value the input of fellow group members.--- (Image The Persistence of Memory b