Darwin award nominee

She's probably not even a Real Cripple™ - shes probably just some old lazy fat woman, so don't let it get you down. She doesn't make Real Cripples™ look bad - she makes idiots look... well... idiotic. :)

Also, I'm watching it yet again, because it makes me smile. :coffee:
You see Harpoon don't need to fall on an escalator to look like an idiot...:coffee:
I actually was thinking that she just grabbed the chair from a store and decided to have fun with it:blink:

Yeah, no way she's an actual cripple - she has no clue...

I'm telling ya, if I could run this video in a continuous loop on my other screen, I'd do so... and I'd never be unhappy again. ROFL
Yeah, no way she's an actual cripple - she has no clue...

I'm telling ya, if I could run this video in a continuous loop on my other screen, I'd do so... and I'd never be unhappy again. ROFL
Your such a cruel bastard...ROFL
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/Dg-AHq6TnSE" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Me and Dchestor....
Another variation on your theme.


<iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/47rQkTPWW2I" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

A few weeks ago, I was in Memphis for a buisness conference. As we were sitting there listening to a truly boring paper being presented, the fire alarm went off.

As we walked out of the convention center, I asked a question.

"I know that you're not supposed to use the elevators in a fire, but what about the escalators?"​

I was amazed at the number of serious responses I got. :suicide:
A few weeks ago, I was in Memphis for a buisness conference. As we were sitting there listening to a truly boring paper being presented, the fire alarm went off.

As we walked out of the convention center, I asked a question.

"I know that you're not supposed to use the elevators in a fire, but what about the escalators?"​

I was amazed at the number of serious responses I got. :suicide:



<iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/Dg-AHq6TnSE" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Me and Dchestor....

The frst guy doing the double take had me spraying beer on the keyboard.....
I've always thought these people deserved a nomination:

From the newest round of OKC storms (horrible, btw).
Video coverage: http://www.weather.com/news/tornado-central/tornado-hunt-team-takes-direct-hit-tornado-20130531

Cheers, BostonTim

The guys in the OP car were lucky.

Not sure if this was one of the three cars referenced in the video link from the OP or not.

But three dead here, chasing one of nature's deadliest and most unpredictable forces. :shrug:


Great career choice. :coffee:

Cheers, BostonTim
The guys in the OP car were lucky.

Not sure if this was one of the three cars referenced in the video link from the OP or not.

But three dead here, chasing one of nature's deadliest and most unpredictable forces. :shrug:


Great career choice. :coffee:

Cheers, BostonTim


There are plenty of career choices that entail significant risk.

I'm not sure a test pilot is any safer than what those guys did. Or any of the various "X games" athletes. A commercial fisherman, etc.

Yet I think they all share a common theme.

The individuals have confidence in their ability to avoid the "problem" that always seems obvious after the fact.

Edit: Heck, I've worked doing inspections at nuclear power plants for 30 odd years and have gotten my share of radiation exposure in the process. I'm sure that plenty of people think I'm nuts for doing it, but I don't. For me the risk is quite quantifiable and acceptable. If I end up getting a cancer down the road, it won't change my opinion.

And for the record, the only place I've ever worked that I had the slightest concern about my life was a chemical plant. I've worked on off-shore oil platforms, Prudhoe Bay Alaska, loaded solid rocket motors for the Shuttle and Titan rockets, submarines, various air force aircraft, as well as nuclear power plants and I never had any real concern in those locations.

The difference was that the latter had the appropriate respect for the dangers involved and took the necessary precautions. Chemical plants were a little more "cowboyish".