Divorce Court for the Bradys?

Brady showed great form when he threw the tablet. This is why he's been so good over his career, even in a fit of rage he still can't help but to use perfect mechanics. Left arm tucked, shift weight back foot to front foot, swivel the hips(but don't open up too soon!), lead with the elbow, perfect follow-through.
Brady showed great form when he threw the tablet. This is why he's been so good over his career, even in a fit of rage he still can't help but to use perfect mechanics. Left arm tucked, shift weight back foot to front foot, swivel the hips(but don't open up too soon!), lead with the elbow, perfect follow-through.

If he goes ape shit like this at home, no wonder wife took a hike. NO I WON'T CLEAN MY ROOM!! baby boy baby boy
And I agree that his little rages on the sidelines no longer look like outbursts of passion and giving his all to the team; they now look like a brat who never grew up. You don't expect a 45 yo man to act like a toddler.
Brady showed great form when he threw the tablet. This is why he's been so good over his career, even in a fit of rage he still can't help but to use perfect mechanics. Left arm tucked, shift weight back foot to front foot, swivel the hips(but don't open up too soon!), lead with the elbow, perfect follow-through.
Perfect spiral!
Brady's probably thinks that his frequent flip-outs at teammates and coaches mean that he looks like a passionate leader, but I think he is basically
a selfish asshole.

I was praying that a Saint tested out his new cheekbones by slamming his knuckles into them, but Brady managed to stay out of harm's way.
He's pliable...
I just read a funny comment on line. After reciting that Brady has nothing more to prove bc 1) he's won every title he has any right to, 2) he is permanently the GOAT, 3) he proved he could win wo Bill, commenter summed it up with this gem: 'The Golden Boy has turned into the Golden Bore.' :rofl:

Then some Giant Brain wrote an entire article about how, psychologically, Brady can't possibly be expected to focus on football and his wife at the same time. :rolleyes1:
This is going to be my final comment on this subject (yeah, sure, OBF, tell us another one): Brady has made it perfectly clear that football is the MOST important thing in his life, beating out wife (and his promises to her) and children. I sure hope that keeps him warm at night in a year or two when he can't even get on the field and is relegated to announcing or coaching. They won't scratch that same itch that being Da Man on the field has always been. Brady has zero balance in his life. I wonder how that fits into his "Six Agreements" or whatever TF are his Rules to Live By. Seems football is all he's ever really cared about, so what will he do when that's only a memory since he's gone all in on playing? There is nothing else in the bank. His woman has left him and I'm sure his kids will be pretty pissed that he shoved them aside in favor of One More Game. That kind of psychopathic dedication to a single goal - at the expense of all else important in life - and which is basically a dedication to himself alone - can only result in a lonely man at the end of his life, burnishing his rings. He may think he's a champ, but I think he's a chump. <rant off>
Honestly, I feel kind of sad. I really got the sense when listening to Brady speak about his family that they genuinely mean a lot to him.

Maybe that’s hot air … but this makes me sad at some level because either that was faux or what was at once a seemingly close family has fallen apart to some extent.

For what?
Honestly, I feel kind of sad. I really got the sense when listening to Brady speak about his family that they genuinely mean a lot to him.

Maybe that’s hot air … but this makes me sad at some level because either that was faux or what was at once a seemingly close family has fallen apart to some extent.

For what?
He‘s family lost when he decided to unretire. Promise made promises broken.

When he unretired my opinion was that he was playing Russian Roulette with his long term health. At age 45 and with nothing more to prove, I couldn't understand why. All we have to see is what happened to Alex Smith, and recently Tua.
At that time, I didn't know that he had family problems. Maybe his unretiring was not the primary issue in his marriage, but from what we know it certainly hasn't helped at all.