According to Schefter, Vrabel has final say.
Another action that tells me that Bob thought bill was the only problem.
According to Schefter, Vrabel has final say.
What if Vrabes makes a play for Tyreek Hill........
According to Schefter, Vrabel has final say.
I had a choice of either a Vrable or Big Vince jersey. I chose Big Vince.
Big Vince in the studio talking all things Vrabel and Bill. He would love Bill to come back to the NFL and get the record; Vince described it as Vince wanting this for selfish reasons as he really wants Bill to get that record. Vince's loyalty is strong...
Read the comments below the video, Vince is a real fan favourite no doubt, they love him.
And listen to how he describes how Bill totally changed how Vince played. He was a DT all the way and Bill had him change to a NT and Vince had to learn a totally new position to him.
That was refreshing. Gotta love big Vince.
He's a HOF whether inducted or not. Most dominant NT in the game.
This one of favs when Garror was trying to feed Vrabs a bullshit excuse
Could be the first ones to go this spring.Baker & Tavai might not be on team next year
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Well this is good news and really confirms further as Schefter said, Vrabel is The Man
On the NFL countdown show on ESPN he was talking about how vrabel was gonna get rid of all the certain elements in the building. I can't remember how he described it but more or less traitorous.What did Bruschi say?