Looking at the Patriots 2024

The plan was supposed to be a minimum of a two year plan that got cut down to one unexpectedly. BB was expected to reach his Shula goal then retire. The offense was expected to work into Mayo's tenure.

It fell apart and this is the result.

Yeah, I think if Kraft hadn't meddled to prevent BB from trading Mac Jones 2 years ago when he wanted to, everything would've worked out just fine & we wouldn't be in this mess right now.
Yeah, I think if Kraft hadn't meddled to prevent BB from trading Mac Jones 2 years ago when he wanted to, everything would've worked out just fine & we wouldn't be in this mess right now.
It might not have been just fine, but it would have been better than this.
We'll find out.

There's actual football merit to trading out of 3 - but if they trade down a couple of times to the middle of the round, and your big FA signings are Trevor Simiean and Lavishka Shenault, then you'll have your answer.

I think trading out would be great and is best course of action as long as we don't get taken advantage of in the trade...lack of experience & all.
It might not have been just fine, but it would have been better than this.

Mac Jones, rookie, made the Pro Bowl, etc. BB could have gotten a nice bundle for him from some team.
I'll hold steady with just fine, meaning BB could have beaten Shula's record and the Pats would have been slightly better than average.
I think trading out would be great and is best course of action as long as we don't get taken advantage of in the trade...lack of experience & all.
Pick 3 is 35 million over 4 years, Pick 16 is 15 million. I really wish that that doesn't matter to the Kraft Group. I really do.
Mac Jones, rookie, made the Pro Bowl, etc. BB could have gotten a nice bundle for him from some team.
I'll hold steady with just fine, meaning BB could have beaten Shula's record and the Pats would have been slightly better than average.
If Bill traded Jones after his rookie season, everyone would have lost their minds on this board and across NE. If not for Chase, Mac would have won ROY.
It’s a train wreck and the 2024 season is about to come crashing into the wreckage. Too many chiefs calling the shots and not enough Indians doing the work .
The plan was supposed to be a minimum of a two year plan that got cut down to one unexpectedly. BB was expected to reach his Shula goal then retire. The offense was expected to work into Mayo's tenure.

It fell apart and this is the result.
so mayo was gonna bide his time and look for assistants this season?
my criticism is really of the plan itself using a very green hc candidate as coach in waiting giving the pats a disadvantage in a lot of ways.
so mayo was gonna bide his time and look for assistants this season?
my criticism is really of the plan itself using a very green hc candidate as coach in waiting giving the pats a disadvantage in a lot of ways.
If things had worked out like they thought at the time the whole staff would be intact.
If things had worked out like they thought at the time the whole staff would be intact.
intact staff minus 1, huh? so it was the "bill is the only problem" plan. well...we'll see. i'm leaning towards "stupid and disorganized plan".
If Bill traded Jones after his rookie season, everyone would have lost their minds on this board and across NE. If not for Chase, Mac would have won ROY.

But it would have been the very best thing that could have happened for the entire organization, including BB and the Krafts
But it would have been the very best thing that could have happened for the entire organization, including BB and the Krafts
In hindsight IMO, Bill bringing in Patricia and Judge is what ruined everything. I think if BB had not done that then things could have been a lot different.
In hindsight IMO, Bill bringing in Patricia and Judge is what ruined everything. I think if BB had not done that then things could have been a lot different.

That came after Belichick was told not to trade Mac. I'll stick with my premise that the Krafts meddled in a negative way with BB's plan for the future of the team.
The Patriots are hiring another FO guy with strong ties to Eliot Wolf, Alonzo Highsmith.
His exact title is tbd but he's been in senior personnel positions for the Packers (with Wolf), Browns and Seahawks.
This is a good hire imo.
Eliot Wolf has risen quickly within the Pats' FO. He's the defacto GM now and may be appointed the GM position soon.
Where would we be without Eliot Wolf in the house?!

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That came after Belichick was told not to trade Mac. I'll stick with my premise that the Krafts meddled in a negative way with BB's plan for the future of the team.
How is that connected? Bill still hired the 2 worst choices to run the offense ... that's on him.
You misremember.
Mac didn’t have a great second half of that season. He was what, the 7th or 8th choice for Pro Bowl?
So what? He was a rookie and he had the best season of all the QBs drafted that year. He showed a lot promise for his first year. I mean I can go back and pull up all the posts on this board comparing him to Brady. We all felt pretty optimistic that we had the right guy and then Bill hires Matty and Joe. An absolute brain fart.
How is that connected? Bill still hired the 2 worst choices to run the offense ... that's on him.

Follow the dots. Kraft gives Mayo the HC clause in his contract. Then BB wants to trade Mac Jones. Kraft won't let him. BB, stuck with Mac Jones, puts Patricia in charge on purpose.

It wouldn't have been "on him" if Kraft let BB run the club and trade Mac for a pretty good haul.
In hindsight IMO, Bill bringing in Patricia and Judge is what ruined everything. I think if BB had not done that then things could have been a lot different.
You must have never watched the end of Mac’s rookie year. His masterful mystique really tailed off at the end.

I’d be willing to bet the farm that BB knew exactly what happened and already wanted to bail from him asap.

If Mac was legit, he would have never folded and wilted as easy as he did.