Patriots Planet Toolbar

Undertaker #59*

Staff member
Oct 8, 2002
Reaction score
I don't know if there will be any interest in this but as someone who is always looking to improve everyone's Patriots Planet experience, I saw this and thought it was nifty-neato. So that you may experience a higher level of Patriots Planet consciousness (which is obviously our aim), I present to you the Patriots Planet Toolbar.

<table style='width:0px;border:0px;'><tr><td><script src=""></script></td></tr><tr><td style='font-size: 9px;font-family: Verdana;text-align: right;color:#888888'><a href='' style='text-decoration:none;color:#888888;'>toolbar</a> powered by Conduit</td></tr></table>

As you can see, it is just a toolbar that has some relevant Patriots Planet links, links to ALL of the rival sites in the Fan 2 Fan Alliance. I got a little RSS thing that shows you the latest threads on the main board. A news scroller that is currently scrolling Reiss's Pieces. Um, some sort of email notifier that I haven't tried, and a current weather thing that is customizable. There is also a CHAT link that is hosted on their servers. Those of you who were complaining about the lack of chat here any more are free to check it out. I have no control over the content or the performance of it though.

Also, there is a message center that I can send out messages on or something in case the board is down or my cat needs a bath.

The search box uses Google.

What is nice about this one is I can update it and the next time anyone who has it installed opens their browser, the updates appear as if by magic. If anyone has any suggestions for more crap to put on this, please say so and I should be able to add it.

Installation Instructions
Click on the banner above to install, or go to this silly link:
  • - Links for many Patriots related sites.
    - Many Patriots Planet links.
    - Links to all Fan2Fan Alliance Member sites.
    - Auto Updates. No need to download any updates.
    - Uses Google to search the web.
  • System Requirements
    Microsoft Windows 98/ME/NT/2000/XP
    Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.0+

    Installation Instructions
    1. Click the download link below.
    2. When prompted, click either open or run program.
    3. Once program is downloaded and begins to run, close all Internet Explorer windows and follow toolbar installation wizard instructions.
    4. Once toolbar is installed, open up Internet Explorer and toolbar should be visible. If toolbar isn't visible, click View/Toolbars/PatriotsPlanet Toolbar.
