Snowstorm this weekend??


Offering friendly advice
Nov 26, 2002
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It's possible, but still too early to say. I'm hoping and looking forward to seeing Mark Henderson on his John Deere just waiting for the go signal from BB.

This is from WBZ4 weather center:

The extended forecast is filled with uncertainty for this weekend. Currently, most signs suggest that a significant storm will evolve off Delmarva later Saturday and Sunday. This system will be preceded by a weak wave of low pressure that could transfer a mix of light snow inland and rain or snow near the south coast Friday. Once the main core of energy emerges over the Mid-Atlantic coast over the weekend, resultant cyclogenesis may transform our region into a winter wonderland! A classic Nor'easter would not be surprising based upon the presence of healthy high pressure in southern Canada contributing cold air coupled with an intense storm south of Nantucket creating gales over southern New England. With a projected northeast to northerly wind, coastal areas including Boston could receive plowable amounts of snow with rain eventually switching to snow over Cape Cod except the islands. HOWEVER, SLIGHT SHIFTS in the storm track would make a monumental difference in the outcome so bear in mind that this discussion is subject to revision as we approach the event. With that said, as of 1pm today, the latest guidance is favorable for a near miss rather than a direct hit this weekend.
resultant cyclogenesis...

That would be cool. I love cyclogenesis! I wish they were still on tour. Just one question what or where is Delmarva?
Re: Re: Snowstorm this weekend??

NoRespect said:
That would be cool. I love cyclogenesis! I wish they were still on tour. Just one question what or where is Delmarva?

Cyclogenesis just isn't the same without Phil......

Delmarva is the Delmarva peninsula. I think it's composed of Delaware and part of Maryland. Or maybe it's a new breed of eServer being marketed by Dell.
Re: Re: Re: Snowstorm this weekend??

pookie said:
Cyclogenesis just isn't the same without Phil......

Delmarva is the Delmarva peninsula. I think it's composed of Delaware and part of Maryland. Or maybe it's a new breed of eServer being marketed by Dell.

Wouldn't that be Delaware Maryland and Virginia??;)
Re: Re: Re: Re: Snowstorm this weekend??

runnerone said:
Wouldn't that be Delaware Maryland and Virginia??;)

Whoa, I think you just might be on to something there runner. DelMarVa. How come I lived in PA, went to school there in fact and I don't ever remember hearing that? Have you ever come across something that you should know almost by osmosis, proximity, or the frequency with which it is used, or the fact that it is written on your forehead, and yet somehow you missed it???

I do know that cyclogenesis is by the way. That is the process through which storm systems, particularly storms of a circular habit, find God.
This is from WBZ4 weather center:

The extended forecast is filled with uncertainty for this weekend.....

With a projected northeast to northerly wind, coastal areas including Boston could receive plowable amounts of snow with rain eventually switching to snow over Cape Cod except the islands.

I you think that maybe something would go wrong, a mechanical failure of some kind, that would prevent the underground radiant heating system at Gillette from working? Sure would suck if Ricky had to trudge through all that snow...
Re: Re: Snowstorm this weekend??

NoRespect said:
I you think that maybe something would go wrong, a mechanical failure of some kind, that would prevent the underground radiant heating system at Gillette from working? Sure would suck if Ricky had to trudge through all that snow...

I could be wrong, but I don't think the heating system is designed to melt snow and ice on the surface.

It's supposed to warm the root zone, in order to extend the growing season for the grass. You can tell by all that dirt between the hash marks how well that's working out.
Re: Re: Re: Snowstorm this weekend??

pookie said:
Cyclogenesis just isn't the same without Phil......

Hell, they jumped the shark when Peter Gabriel left.
Re: Re: Re: Snowstorm this weekend??

dropKickMurphy said:
I could be wrong, but I don't think the heating system is designed to melt snow and ice on the surface.

It's supposed to warm the root zone, in order to extend the growing season for the grass. You can tell by all that dirt between the hash marks how well that's working out.

Well, I do know that they use such external radiant systems to keep walkways and drives free of snow. The circulated water needs only to be 45-50 degrees, although in those situations they have a more efficient thermal mass. If the ground is warmer than 32 degrees snow and ice will melt, regardless of intent.

Of course none of this is taking into account the plowable amounts of mature nano-technology undoubtedly in use or the resultant cyclogenesis, all of which is too small to actually see. But believe me, it's there. If they can freeze a man's head and put it in a tube (and charge money for it) they can do anything. The real question is can the Red Sox thaw Ted using such a system, and if so will the head want to play baseball?
I know that it's going to be cold down in Foxboro on Sunday, that's for sure and here's a little treat for some people that are tired of the usual tailgating fare.
The latest on the potential Delmarvian cylcogenesis event:

The extended forecast for this weekend remains a dilemma. Currently, most signs suggest that a significant storm will evolve off Delmarva Saturday. This system might be preceded by a weak wave of low pressure that could transfer a strip of mostly light snow on the South Coast except possibly a mix on the lower Cape late tomorrow. Once a main core of energy emerges over the Mid-Atlantic coast, resultant cyclogenesis will spiral moisture into southern and central New England Saturday. A classic Nor'easter would not be surprising based upon the presence of healthy high pressure in southern Canada contributing cold air coupled with an intense storm south of Nantucket. The consensus of a myriad of computer models is now trending towards a higher impact event here although the ribbon of strongest winds and greatest precipitation remains just offshore. Previous analysis placed the governing upper air low pressure system deeply south out of our territory. Latest indications do not confirm this thinking. As a result, it is prudent to offer a preliminary prediction of a medium-sized snowstorm ie. 3-6" for the metro area with higher amounts possible mainly south of the Mass Pike except over Cape Cod. The ever present caveat is that SLIGHT SHIFTS in the storm track would make a monumental difference in the outcome so bear in mind that this discussion is still subject to revision as we approach the event. It is too premature to pull out all the stops or conversely completely eliminate snow from the forecast until new data is more convincing. It would be more reassuring if most of the computer models were producing similar scenarios.

I don't know about anyone else, but the idea of my favorite weather babe, Melissa Bell, gently whispering this stuff into my ear makes me mildly stimulated :D
bideau said:
The latest on the potential Delmarvian cylcogenesis event:

Man, this is awesome!!! I'm jacked and pumped for this cyclogenesis game.

Thanks for the updated forecast Ghiorse! :D
bideau said:
I don't know about anyone else, but the idea of my favorite weather babe, Melissa Bell, gently whispering this stuff into my ear makes me mildly stimulated :D

ROFL I don't know Melissa but I do have one or two hotties on the weather channel in mind.

The extended forecast for this weekend remains a dilemma.

The consensus of a myriad of computer models is now trending towards a higher impact event here although the ribbon of strongest winds and greatest precipitation remains just offshore.

Previous analysis placed the governing upper air low pressure system deeply south out of our territory. Latest indications do not confirm this thinking. As a result, it is prudent to offer a preliminary prediction of a medium-sized snowstorm ie. 3-6" for the metro area with higher amounts possible mainly south of the Mass Pike except over Cape Cod.

The ever present caveat is that SLIGHT SHIFTS in the storm track would make a monumental difference in the outcome so bear in mind that this discussion is still subject to revision as we approach the event.

It is too premature to pull out all the stops or conversely completely eliminate snow from the forecast until new data is more convincing. It would be more reassuring if most of the computer models were producing similar scenarios.

This just in:

We have a winner in the annual PatriotsPlanet Bad Writing Contest. Please put down your pencils. I repeat, we have a winner. My hat goes off to you Mister Bad Weather Report Writer! After reading your latest writing specimen I realize I still have so much yet to learn.
As a matter of fact that forecase is so convoluted that I am unable to interpret it without subtitles dumbing it down a little.

Since we have no subtitles I decided to run it throught the International Talk Like a Pirate Day Pirate Translator to see what Old Cap'n Slappy has to say about the sit'iation.

"T' extended forecast for this weekend remains a dilemma. T' consensus o' a meriad o' computer models be now trendin' towards a higher impact event here although t' ribbon o' strongest winds and greatest precipitation remains just offshore

Previous analysis placed t' governin' upper air low presaye system deeply south out o' our territory. Latest indications do not confirm this thinkin'. As a result, it be prudent t' offer a preliminary prediction o' a medium-sized snowstorm ie. 3-6" for t' metro area with higher amounts possible mainly south o' t' Mass Pike except over Cape Cod.

Now what this be meanin' be not clear at this time, but any lubber wi' half a weather eye can be sure tha' come Sunday thar be one hell of a blow comin' yar way and 'tis sure ta be hazardous t' any Marine creatures foolish enough t' venture out in it, or me name ain't Ol' Cap'n Slappy. "

Hope that helps clear things up.
Hawg73 said:
Hope that helps clear things up.

Now what this be meanin' be not clear at this time, but any lubber wi' half a weather eye can be sure tha' come Sunday thar be one hell of a blow comin' yar way and 'tis sure ta be hazardous t' any Marine creatures foolish enough t' venture out in it, or me name ain't Ol' Cap'n Slappy. "

ROFL Now what this be meanin'....

Aaaaargh! Now be a good lad and post me a link so'se I can spy it far meself.
NoRespect said:
ROFL Now what this be meanin'....

Aaaaargh! Now be a good lad and post me a link so'se I can spy it far meself.

Here be the translator ya grizzled old chum bucket (bear in mind I doctored up my translation just a wee bit):

Beware that it only takes a bit o' dialogue at a time.

Should ye be curious about how it all started click on yonder link and hold steady to yer yardarm when readin' the top ten pirate pickup lines.

Thanks be to U59 for findin' this link in th' farst place, It were done back when ye war on hiatus.

and if the pirate dialect is a little too intellectual for you, here is the forecast as told to us by the Swedish Chef!

Zee ixtended furecest fur thees veekend remeeens a deelemma. Coorrently, must seegns sooggest thet a seegnifficunt sturm veell ifulfe-a ooffff Delmerfa Setoordey. Bork bork bork! Thees system meeght be-a preceded by a veek vefe-a ooff loo pressoore-a thet cuoold trunsffer a streep ooff mustly leeght snoo oon zee Suoot Cuest ixcept pusseebly a meex oon zee looer Cepe-a lete-a tumurroo. Oonce-a a meeen cure-a ooff inergy imerges oofer zee Meed-Etlunteec cuest, resooltunt cyclugenesees veell spurel mueestoore-a intu suoozeern und centrel Noo Inglund Setoordey. Bork bork bork! A clesseec Nur'eester vuoold nut be-a soorpreesing besed upun zee presence-a ooff heelthy heegh pressoore-a in suoozeern Cuneda cuntreebooting culd eur cuoopled veet un intense-a sturm suoot ooff Nuntoocket. Um de hur de hur de hur. Zee cunsensoos ooff a myreeed ooff cumpooter mudels is noo trendeeng tooerds a heegher impect ifent here-a elthuoogh zee reebbun ooff strungest veends und greetest preceepiteshun remeeens joost ooffffshure-a. Prefeeuoos unelysees pleced zee guferneeng upper eur loo pressoore-a system deeply suoot oooot ooff oooor terreetury. Bork bork bork! Letest indeeceshuns du nut cunffurm thees theenking. Es a resoolt, it is proodent tu ooffffer a preleeminery predeecshun ooff a medeeoom-seezed snoosturm ie-a. 3-6" fur zee metru erea veet heegher emuoonts pusseeble-a meeenly suoot ooff zee Mess Peeke-a ixcept oofer Cepe-a Cud. Bork bork bork! Zee ifer present cefeet is thet SLIGHT SHIFTS in zee sturm treck vuoold meke-a a munoomentel deefffference-a in zee ooootcume-a su beer in meend thet thees deescoossiun is steell soobject tu refeesiun es ve-a eppruech zee ifent. Um de hur de hur de hur. It is tuu premetoore-a tu pooll oooot ell zee stups oor cunfersely cumpletely ileeminete-a snoo frum zee furecest unteel noo deta is mure-a cunfeencing. It vuoold be-a mure-a reessooreeng iff must ooff zee cumpooter mudels vere-a prudooceeng seemiler scenereeus. Um gesh dee bork, bork!

Um gesh dee bork, bork indeed!

That one kills me.

Anybody remember how to find the site that translates english to jive etc, is it the same site?

You know, the "Slap ma 'fro" thingy?
De website ya' wants' be http, dig dis://rinkwo' Dats where ah' gots de chef translashun. It also gots redneck, JIBE, cockney, elma' fudd, mo'on, pig latin, and hacker. Ah be baaad...



Hawg73 said:
Here be the translator ya grizzled old chum bucket (bear in mind I doctored up my translation just a wee bit):

Many t'anks, ye quarrelsome bilge rat, ye.

I likes me this one:

Top Ten Pickup lines for use on International Talk Like a Pirate Day

10 . Avast, me proud beauty! Wanna know why my Roger is so Jolly?

9. Have ya ever met a man with a real yardarm?

8. Come on up and see me urchins.

7. Yes, that is a hornpipe in my pocket and I am happy to see you.

6. I'd love to drop anchor in your lagoon.

5. Pardon me, but would ya mind if fired me cannon through your porthole?

4. How'd you like to scrape the barnacles off of me rudder?

3. Ya know, darlin’, I’m 97 percent chum free.

2. Well blow me down?

And the number one pickup line for use on International Talk Like a Pirate Day is …

1. Prepare to be boarded.