Suggestion and questions box (or Ask the Clown)

Undertaker #59*

Staff member
Oct 8, 2002
Reaction score
So we will see how this goes. I did a search on "free anonymous suggestion box" and this came up. I created a simple box. So anyone can go there and type a comment or question to me while remaining anonymous. I think sometimes people assume or guess things instead of just asking me directly, so you can do that here. I can also use it for real suggestions on improvement. I had mentioned doing this back in the Orangemane thread.

My plan is to copy the question or comment here and then answer honestly. I don't see any information on where the question comes from.

If the question or comment is about another user, I may at least redact who it is about, but still answer. You'll be able to recognize the question as your own so you and I will know. There may be others that are too personal or something for me to answer. But my intention is to answer everything publicly and honestly, and then create a list of things to do for the board for any of those types of suggestions.

So feel free to let me have it - question, comment, criticism, whatever. I hope it can be another tool to move forward positively.

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LOL. Thankyou to whomever asked the first one. I laughed out loud in my living room and scared my cat.

Are you lonely when you lay down for bed at night? What's the best/surest/quickest way to your heart?

I am not lonely when I lay down for bed at night, and the quickest way to my heart would probably be a sharp knife.
LOL. Thankyou to whomever asked the first one. I laughed out loud in my living room and scared my cat.

I am not lonely when I lay down for bed at night, and the quickest way to my heart would probably be a sharp knife.
You just knew the first question would be silly, right? LOL
We used to have a "Ask the Indian" thread for Claremonster, so I just changed the title of the thread a little. :)

You just knew the first question would be silly, right? LOL

Silly questions are great. :thumb:
What is the opposite of nonchalant... is it chalant or non-nonchalant :coffee:
The old format allowed us to give comments when we gave a rep. This new format does not. Is it possible for that to come around again?

That was something built into vbulletin and it's not built into xenforo. Others have requested this. We did briefly try a mod that allowed it, but it appended the comment you were making to the post you were repping for everyone to see. It was decided this was not optimal.

I will add it to the list to keep searching for something that will add a similar functionality for rep back in.

Good question. Thank you.
This one took me a few minutes to figure out.

What is the point to the reaction and point scores? What do they mean, exactly?

Reaction score is pretty much identical to the old rep system. When you give a reaction, like a 'like', it gives a configurable amount of points to that user, raising (or lowering if configured) their reaction score.

The separate entry you see for 'points' that most people have topped out at 113, is for a trophy system. I could configure milestones to give out trophies that appear on your profile. It's not something I've spent much time on yet configuring as I wasn't sure how much interest there would be.