OK, I've seriously got to look into that shoulder reduction surgery, cause it's pretty clear someone thinks mine are way to frackin big.
My mom will be 99 on the 28th. She's got congenital heart failure, which means not enough O2 is getting to her brain. So, her cognitive functions have degraded significantly over the past 18 months, to the point where in December, we had to get her into an assisted living facility.
So I got a call last week from the EMT people who had responded to a call at the facility. She had been found sitting on the floor, in front of her couch, and was "confused".
They took her to the ER, and due to work commitments, I couldn't get there till the afternoon.
Her O2 blood level was ~60%, which is way fricken low. To give the short version, they didn't want to discharge her until the O2 level was better and/or that she would have 24/7 attendance at the facility.
Turns out, that takes some time to set up.
Then the DRs wanted to do an X-ray with contrast, because they saw fluid in her lungs in one of the scans and were worried about an embolism.
Well the dye puts a lot of stress on one's kidneys, and she's also got some renal failure due to her age.
More importantly, the treatment for the embolism is a blood thinner, to remove the clot, and due to her age, she's prone to skin tears. Basically, the fatty tissue under the skin just isn't there any more, so she can easily get "wounds".
So I told not only no, but Fuck No.
Then it got even better. She tested positive for COVID.
The good news is her O2 improved, and she was discharged, but we're clearly in the end game.
I'm the only sibling who's local, so I've got the lion's share of dealing with this.
Of course, I've got my hands full dealing with my wife's Parkinson's. She got down to 95 pounds, since her hands freeze bring the fork to her mouth, and so she doesn't eat as much as she should.
So, I bought a sports bottle, that I put Carnation Instant Breakfast, alternated with protein powder, along with a protein bar every morning.
She's put some weight back on, but we're not yet back to her target weight.
Then for the pièce de résistance, last Friday, I was taking my wife to our eye doctor for our annual appointment.
My dog, Caesar, bolted out the door as I was helping my wife outside.
He does this occasionally, but typically just does is sniff and smell bit in the neighborhood, and comes when called.
He didn't respond this time, and I followed his tracks to a neighbors yard where I saw him in a full Grand Mal seizure.
I was able to get him back to the house, and by then he seemed to have recovered, so we went to the eye doctor's appointment.
When we got back, it was apparent that he'd had another seizure, since some furniture had been knocked over, and he'd pooped on the rug.
He had two more that night.
He had the normal post seizure side effects over the weekend, and progressively got better. He seems to be OK now, and my best guess/hope is that my wife inadvertently dropped part of one of her chocolate protein bars and he ate it.
Who am I kidding. That would be too easy.
I won't even go into how much my job is a Mongolian Cluster Fuck right now.
Just needed to vent.
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