Tomatoes 2022


Apr 9, 2005
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My previous three tomato seasons have been not up to par.

So far 2022 has been perhaps the best season I've ever had. I base that on two simple observations. The plants are fruiting like a madman and virtually every single fruit is unblemished. Flawless. (EDIT and anudda ting: By mid August I usually have a good amount of foliage browning. Right now all is as green as April in Ireland.)

Up to my ears in them. Too bad they are first cousins to deadly nightshade and even worse TFB told me don't eat them, or I'll die. So I guess I'll have to give them all away.

Cheers, BostonTim

Main point again: Great tomatoes.
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My previous three tomato seasons have been not up to par.

So far 2022 has been perhaps the best season I've ever had. I base that on two simple observations. The plants are fruiting like a madman and virtually every single fruit is unblemished. Flawless. (EDIT and anudda ting: By mid August I usually have a good amount of foliage browning. Right now all is as green as April in Ireland.)

Up to my ears in them. Too bad they are first cousins to deadly nightshade and even worse TFB told me don't eat them, or I'll die. So I guess I'll have to give them all away.

Cheers, BostonTim

Main point again: Great tomatoes.

Maybe the warmer weather this year. I dunno. It is one of the benefits of a warmer climate my friend Alex Eptstein discusses in his book which I've talked about in the Global Warming thread.

Congrats and enjoy!
I have seven plants, I only started six as I had one pop up from previous years fruits that dropped seeds. I have everything from cherry size to one pound according to the seed envelope. I have so many freaking tomatoes started and I already had to trim them once.
I have seven plants, I only started six as I had one pop up from previous years fruits that dropped seeds. I have everything from cherry size to one pound according to the seed envelope. I have so many freaking tomatoes started and I already had to trim them once.
I have 2 plants and I have more the enough as well lol.

I stopped growing them because the chipmunks would eat them the minute they were ripe. My jalapenos and Fresnos are doing great though. Congrats on the bounty!
I stopped growing them because the chipmunks would eat them the minute they were ripe. My jalapenos and Fresnos are doing great though. Congrats on the bounty!
Already have harvested a shit-ton of jalapenos (six plants), couple or three more shit-tons to go. Other peppers, poblano habanero, ghost, serrano shishitsu, all doing well. Add in eggplant (slow for some reason) and my nightshade trinity is complete
For the record and with full knowledge that nobody cares, I don't like fresh or whole tomatoes in anyway. They're almost too vegetably for me. Veggies suck.

But congrats guys and ladies.

Carry on. 😆
I have a huge garden with 32 tomato plants and 36 pepper plants. Most of that will go into canning salsa because my husband loves it so much that I honestly think he would try it as an ice cream topping if I suggested it. However, it could just be that he likes salsa so much because it disguises the taste of my cooking.

While this thread is about tomatoes, I want to add something about sweetcorn. As a farmer's daughter who has picked corn from the time I was old enough to do so, I never knew until this year that the corn smut that is sometimes on the ears can be eaten and is even considered to be a delicacy by some. Not that I'm going to try it. That stuff looks nasty to me.

After reading that there may be a tomato shortage in California due to drought and water restrictions, I am very thankful for the bounty that my garden is providing.
