What Is The Last Movie You Saw

Believe it or not, I had never seen Galaxy Quest, but I flip to netflix last night and there it was on "recommended for.... "
very funny and if by any chance you haven't seen it, I recommend it.
Highly underrated movie. And I've never been much of a Sigourney Weaver fan but in this one... hey now :coffee:
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Latest Avatar movie on a date night with Wifey. Before that latest Ant-Man and Wasp withe Wifey, Granddaughter and her boyfriend. Way too many movies streaming, the Will Smith movie on Apple+ was excellent as was Argentina 1985 and The Woman King on Prime.
Can't wait for 65 to come out, might be seeing that one by myself since I'm pretty much the only one in my group that likes these kinds of movies, big Adam Driver fan too.
How could I forget -

Saw "Cocaine Bear" on opening weekend. You can definitely wait for this one to come out on video but I give it a solid 6 stars out of 10 in terms of awesomely bad movies.
I've seen it I kid you not, about 30-40 times if not more. Family fav here. Hubby and I were just talking about some of the scenes this pass weekend.
Tony Shaloub (sp) is hilarious in that movie.
Believe it or not, I had never seen Galaxy Quest, but I flip to netflix last night and there it was on "recommended for.... "
very funny and if by any chance you haven't seen it, I recommend it.
Let me also join in the chorus as a huge fan of that movie.

Here's a little background on Enrico Colantoni (Mathesar) and how much every one on the set admired his work. I recommend watching the clip that you'll find if you follow the link.

Let me also join in the chorus as a huge fan of that movie.

Here's a little background on Enrico Colantoni (Mathesar) and how much every one on the set admired his work. I recommend watching the clip that you'll find if you follow the link.

Galaxy Quest, The Fifth Element, 12 Monkeys...all were movies that were destroyed in reviews when they came out, I loved all of them. All of them have come to be regarded as cult classics.
Latest Avatar movie on a date night with Wifey. Before that latest Ant-Man and Wasp withe Wifey, Granddaughter and her boyfriend. Way too many movies streaming, the Will Smith movie on Apple+ was excellent as was Argentina 1985 and The Woman King on Prime.
Nice to see you Ras.

How was Avatar?
Moonfall with Halle Berry and Patrick Wilson. Don't waste 2 hours of your life on this one, folks.
We watched a movie the other night called Significant Other, I had no idea what it was about and now wished I would have looked into it more. Not worth the price of admission (it was free).

We also watched Hachi (based on a true story) with Richard Geer, if you're in to dog movies and tear jerkers, this one is right up your alley.
There is an excellent documentary out there on Galaxy Quest that just came out. Can’t recall the name, but it was definitely enjoyable for fans of that flick.
I have to Google this now.My family are such huge fans of this movie,. We've seen it so many times and I would watch it again.We are constantly bringing up certain scenes and laughing about it

Edit: Found it on Prime called Never Surrender.

That good huh?
charles barkley golf GIF by NBA on TNT
Anyone else enjoy the peace of watching a movie by yourself? My daughter took my wife to Boston for mother's day dim sum and I caught John Wick 4 at the matinee showing.

It was a good paint by the numbers video game kind of movie. The fight scenes don't disappoint and they have more of a surreal artistic vibe to them than previous Wick movies, but they probably could have cut down on the number of low level action Joe's that Wick mows down, it gets a little monotonous after awhile. If you like this kind of thing I would recommend seeing it.