Search results

  1. MrsPats4ever

    OT: Stomach Bug

    Hi all. Just looking for some home remedies for the stomach flu. Matthew has been sick with it since Christmas Eve. He has stopped eating everything except for yogart, bananas, and apple sauce. I have tried Pedialyte but he hates it!! Even when I mix it with other juices. The Dr. said this...
  2. MrsPats4ever

    OT: Day Care Issue

    Hi all!! Mr. and I looking for opinions and direction about an incident that happened at M's daycare today. M is currently in a home daycare. I did this because he does have some motor planning and speech issues. As most of you know he is currently receiving services through Early...
  3. MrsPats4ever

    OT: Warning Cable Internet Hacker

    If you use Comcast, Verizon, or another local company, beware of email hacking. You will be sent and email asking you to confirm your info such as username and password. The email will state the your company is cleaning house. This is a lie. We were just hacked and thousands of Spam messages...
  4. MrsPats4ever

    OT: Forbes' mag "Worst Cities To Be A Sports Fan"

    Worst Cities to be a Sports Fan I thought this was an interesting article. It's amazing how much money families must have in order to watch a game and their home team stinks. I know it's a lot of money here but at least we have teams that can win...
  5. MrsPats4ever

    OT: Parent Advice

    Any suggestions for helping an almost 2 year old with the stomach flu. He had a high fever but I have gotten that to lower. I have tried soup and Mr. P is getting Pedialyte. Anything else??? Thanks for your help.
  6. MrsPats4ever

    OT: Govenor Patrick

    Mr. P and I went to an event last night where we met the current govenor of MA. I have to say that he is an excellent speaker. He was the host of this event for a State Rep. in Quincy. Please enjoy the picture.
  7. MrsPats4ever

    OT: Advice Please!! Hints on keeping a baby calm during a T-storm

    Hey parents out there. We are in the middle of T-storm and of course I have a scared toddler. Any advice?? I have tried singing, holding him, and just being there in the room but to no avail. Any tricks would be great.
  8. MrsPats4ever

    Sunday's Game

    Hey all the Mr. and I scored tickets for the game on Sunday :thumb: Anyone else in the Planet going??? Give us a jungle or just wish us well. The Pats are going to kick some Bills butt!!!
  9. MrsPats4ever

    OT: Food Allergy Help

    Our son has recently been diagnosed with food allergies. He is allergic to eggs (whites) and peanuts. Any advice on products to buy? He is refusing to eat table food so we are still using jars. On another note, we both think the egg is not a true allergy because has eaten things with eggs in...