Search results

  1. E

    BOY still sucks, but...

    (alternative title: BOY still sucks butt) ...I spent from Friday PM until late yesterday mostly focused on my kid in the hospital, who got in a nasty accident after assuming he was exempt from the dire warnings against driving drunk. In case anyone hasn't heard this yet, driving drunk is...
  2. E

    Acrobatik Sig

    Hated that movie, love the sig... ...but you should photoshop it or something so that the keyboard letters were "Brady" or "GYF'08" or something. That would be truly excellent. Not that I could do that by any stretch, but I figured someone could.
  3. E

    Does anyone here gamble? And know basic programming?

    Something boring, like Roulette? And can program a simple, fast & accurate computer sim? I'm a curious sort of cat, and I like to dissect stuff from time to time. Someone told me that no gambling system can work on a true game of chance, which makes a certain amount of sense. Apparently none...
  4. E

    Casino Cash?

    So what's the deal - I rack up a ton of casino cash and I proud? trade it in for forum goodwill? Wipe my ass with it? Digital origami? Use it at the Pats Pro Shop? Actually, this last is not a bad idea. You could have a Pats-site network with transferable casino cash good for...