The Media in this area is cluless......


New member
Apr 5, 2003
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providence R.I
I think it's very funny how most of the local media panned the Pat's draft, is this because they are in the know??? Or is it that they dont have a clue? Or is it they understand that writing negative stuff sell's? If the Latter is true then writing just to put food on your familys table is not being true to your craft, then maybe it's time to find something you can be true to.... If the former is true then it's time to either start researching what your writing about or find another Job, but either way I am tired of the negative stream that prevails out of the media's mouth, it suck's, bites and stinks.. What makes them the expert's on a coaching staff that already has a proven track record of sucesss????? I am no expert either, but I do understand that prostituding yourself for money, or being imcompetent is not a good path to go... But then again what do I know? I understand that i cant assess Profootball talent or write, so this is just my take .........
I think what you observe Marty is the "beat puppy sydrome",the
local sportswriter is so used to seeing things with the N.E. sports
teams go poorly so often that it just seems second nature to sell
doom and gloom as oposed to the optomistic view point.I mean
has any sports writer been clubbed for saying a team stinks and
then be proven wrong ?.

N.E. sports fans are among the toughest in world and I imagine
that one would avoid thier ire when ever possible,lol.Of course
another example is N.E. Weathermen,to forcast flurries and then
have a blizzard got Don Kent shunned for life.So I would say that
the local sportswriter is the last of the "doubting thomas's".
Your right, it's like Pavlov's dog's they have been so condtioned to think NEGATIVE, THAT THEY ACT OUT OF INSTINCT, in some way's is not that a worst place to be then what I said because what your saying is that they dont think but react.... Food for thought huh?????????