2014 Suicide Pool

To me it does not matter who everybody else is picking. I'm just trying to get thru the year perfect. This is the farthest I have ever gone in the season without missing a game.

If we were playing foe actual money, my pick would be different.since it's just for fun, why not? :)
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Congratulations! JetsKnicks1 we have a winner!

I tuned in late to last night's game, in the third quarter, and saw the Redskins leading 10-7 and Tony Romo hurt with a back injury. It was like something out of a twilight zone episode.

Ended up watching the whole game - which was fun. If it weren't for this suicide pool I would have had no interest. Made me appreciate how good Tom Brady is, watching Romo trying to pull it out in the end.
Are we starting another pool? If so, as reigning interstellar champion I will make the first pick.

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