I'm about to pee off my porch. BTW: the town police are less than 100 ft away.

You know what? Fug them sincerely.

I got sincerely mugged a few months ago, at gun-point 'n all. They stole beer and cigarettes. I shrugged it off, they were kids. My gf called me later and suggested, appropriately, that I at least report it.

So, I did.

When I reported it, I was subjected to 'protocol'. Is is protocol to handcuff a victim and subject them to back seat accomodations?
As long as you aren't trying to piss on them, I think it should be ok.
wow, they are getting a little pissed.


I* had nothing to do with any of this shit.

holy shit, a high school friend just showed up. he's a cop.
I am such a cack.

sincerely. Dudes are talking to me, and I'm like 'yeah, what 'ev', typing.

Not even my style. Non-tv'er, etc. The polic% of them., five is srs bid'ness. one is my dude, though. weird. good guy.
fly now up.

I'm a bit nackered. Sometimes I forget. My friend vouched for me to the other cops. They left, he's sitting down. bwahhh!

Some dude is getting cuffed and stuffed, end of story. My man is laughing at me for being a 'geek'for typing on my laptap.

We played football together,