Most hated villains

Are you kidding?!?!! JL would love Paw Patrol!
Sure, it's annoying af, but take away the anthropomorphic cutesy animals, and you've got a fantasy world that is normalizing privatized public services and filling their heads with the message that politicians are idiots or evil, and that government services are always corrupt and/or incompetent.

OMG you do get me to a degree Flagg. Much heart to you.

No Celtics tonight so I may take a deep dive into the world of Paw Patrol.

Hell I found beautiful things of significance in the Teletubies at 6 am when me and my ex wife returned home from the casinos in Connecticut lifetimes ago.

Sorry Tyler, Tellatubies rock and have something to say. Lol 😆

On to Paw Patrol.

Thanks for the assist Flagg. 👏
Cannot do this without Shakespeare. Everything descends from him. Bernard Spivack was a Shakespeare prof that I took every course of that I could (4 iirc). Spivack in '58 wrote:

Shakespeare and the Allegory of Evil: The History of a Metaphor in Relation to his Major Villains

The main point of the book is that Shakepeare created Pure (meaning un motivated) evil in at least three of his characters, Othello's Iago, the titular Richard II, and Titus Andronicus' Aaron the Moor. A never-ending debate over Shakespeares' bad guys motives is timeless. We all Know that the weight of all the Shakepearen scholarly writing is virtually immeasurable. .

Spivacks take is that even when the villain's express motive (and they do), they neither need it or mean it. They are just evil period, satanesque, and are misleading in citing reason.


The above is Aaron's monologue from the play Titus Andronicus by William Shakespeare and it is an illuminative expression of an evil man

Act 5 Scene 1


Ay, that I had not done a thousand more.
Even now I curse the day – and yet I think
Few come within the compass of my curse –
Wherein I did not some notorious ill,
As kill a man or else devise his death,
Ravish a maid or plot the way to do it,
Accuse some innocent and forswear myself,
Set deadly enmity between two friends,
Make poor men’s cattle break their necks,
Set fire on barns and haystacks in the night
And bid the owners quench them with their tears.
Oft have I digged up dead men from their graves
And set them upright at their dear friends’ door,
Even when their sorrows almost was forgot,
And on their skins, as on the bark of trees,
Have with my knife carved in Roman letters,
‘Let not your sorrow die though I am dead.’
Tut , I have done a thousand dreadful things
As willingly as one would kill a fly
And nothing grieves me heartily indeed
But that I cannot do ten thousand more.

So, for evil? The Bard is my Boy and Aaron is at or near the top of my list

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Sauron, Big Brother and Thanos.

Fucking Thanos was especially creepy because he thought he was doing everybody a FAVOR by randomly wiping out half the living beings in the universe.
I know this post is old but the more I think about it the more I think he was onto something, especially looking around at the clown show that is currently going on in this sector of the universe. :coffee: And yes, I'm aware that I or people I love may be in that half but that's a chance I'm willing to take.
I know this post is old but the more I think about it the more I think he was onto something, especially looking around at the clown show that is currently going on in this sector of the universe. :coffee: And yes, I'm aware that I or people I love may be in that half but that's a chance I'm willing to take.
Well, killing off half of all living things isn't going to help much of the natural resources part. Also, given that the rate of growth of biological organisms tends to be exponential, he'd need to be doing this every few decades, right?