Guitar Amps? anyone have a clue?

Jazz is the school class he tested into and made. So it is basically free music lessons for a year. Pep band is required by the teacher of all Jazz Class kids. He is about 3/4 It the way thru learning Hendrix Star Spangled banner and may open a game to that.

The amp I am looking for is for Jazz band but we will continue to seek out a good deal on a tube amp for his band with his friends. Now if I could get one to cover both I will.

I found the Mustang on line 3 months old and for 1/2 what the guy paid. Our 1st thought was amp sucks if it is being dumped, then my son said something I had not thought of. "Dad he could be an old guy and technology is scary for him"

I then looked up how to use and I could see he was correct in that often us older gents are not as tech saved as kids are. Not always but it happens.

Going today to look up a couple more amps at guitar center to play with and hope to settle in on one. Thanks for the help so far.

As of now he is on a small fender but will need more amp for competitions and stuff.
He also told the teacher he doesn't play in the rain. Smart kid.
Yes. We're from the Jesus saved generation.

i never thought it until recently. Kid took apart an old computer I had and got it running so he can play some old computer games. I had the operating system and he is having a blast. But even iat camp. Wifi too week on my site but he has booster in his laptop so he made it a hot spot for the three of us. Plus many other things that I know but he figures out. I am no expert but I am not a complete moron. He reminds me I am.
I play through 2 peavy special chorus 212 amps. I have an epiphonie les paul trad pro and an american standard tele. Tuned to open g
Too expensive for some of us. Tube amps are nice, but only if you can afford it. I've used solid state and digital for years and never had a problem with recording.

I tend to do stuff that is heavy & slow (which may explain my ex-wife), and very 70s protometal focused, so I use tubes.

I'm not saying solid state is bad (I have an Orange CR60 solid state, and an old Peavey solid state amp from the early 80s), but some type of music just sounds better with that old tube warmth, imho.