It's my fault we lost

And two funnels of watery American lager through a plastic tube.

Funny story- O.Z.O. Jr and I are at an O's game last summer. Vendor is walking up and down the steps yelling "BUD LIGHT!!! MILLER LIGHT!!! WATERWATERWATER!!!"- to which O.Z.O Jr. replies "isn't that just 3 ways of saying the same thing?
C'mon Gomez, get over yourself. :coffee: ROFL

Funny story- O.Z.O. Jr and I are at an O's game last summer. Vendor is walking up and down the steps yelling "BUD LIGHT!!! MILLER LIGHT!!! WATERWATERWATER!!!"- to which O.Z.O Jr. replies "isn't that just 3 ways of saying the same thing?

Reminds me of that Monty Python joke.
What's the similarity between American beer and making love in a canoe?

It's ****ing close to water!