Ok, question about tickets


Active member
Sep 1, 2003
Reaction score
South FLA 772
Alright, well me and the father always go to the Fins-Pats game..And recently the past two years I've had to find tickets on Ebay. Now I realize I could get the same exact tickets for a much cheaper price..So, my question is..

When is the best time to hit up ticket master to get ticketS? The day the schedules are relased or what? Thanks for any advice.
I'm sure JoePhoto will weigh on this too. We went to the game in Nov. - Joe, Sir_drinkalot (and his wife) and I. The Drinkalots had tix already, Joe and I did not. Per Joe's insistence, we went in without them because he said we'd find some outside the game. He was right. We ended up with tickets in Sec. 125. Pretty good view, I thought. I don't know about the availability of tickets in the summer when they're released initially, so maybe it's worth checking in and if you can find something good that day, go for it. But if you want to chance waiting until the day of the game you might find you'll do better. Again, Joe's been doing this for years and I'm sure he'll swear it will work, but I also understand the anxiety of going to a game ticket-less and having to find some on your own.

In any case, I and along with many other out-of-town Planeteers will be going again this year. I'm sure we'll be planning some pre-game gathering, so stay tuned! :toast:
Not sure. It probably depends on when the Fins put tickets up for sale. I know last year, it was mid-February because I was in Palm Beach and saw the Fins ads in the paper.

For the Pats, season tickets are renewed in March. Single game tickets usually go on sale in June.

Best thing to do is call them and ask.