Seymour on ESPN just said

Re: Re: Re: Re: Seymore on ESPN just said

Jammer on 01-10-2007 at 04:12 PM said:
Sorry first language is french i do my best

After one of your first posts I was going to say something about the grammar but after I re-read it a couple times trying to figure out what you'd meant....

I'm becoming very good at telling the difference between broken English and illiteracy.

Course, then I noticed you were from Montreal... So...

I let it go.

Some people just aren't as sweet as me, I guess. o:)

But you seem a good sort Jammer, not trollish or assclownish... You actually sound a little like you know something about your team. ;)



Faites comme chez vous.

Sorry... Actually one of the few things I remember from French class. That, along with Comme ci, comme ca and vis toi and a few others.

Oh... And another appropriate one for you this week...

Bonne chance. ;)
BradyLady12 on 01-10-2007 at 11:27 PM said:
Tres bien mgoblue101415. Vous parlez bien pour cinque ou six mots.:thumb:

Je parle un peu de francais.

J'ai lu francais beaucoup mieux.

And I have no idea if those words are in the proper places... Verbs and adjectives before nouns and all that crap... Damn friggin rest of the world... Always putting the words backwards. :p
Did anyone else catch when they said to Seymour that the Chargers are the team that stopped the Pats 21 game win streak and Seymour didn't correct the guy?
mgoblue101415 on 01-11-2007 at 01:54 AM said:
Je parle un peu de francais.

J'ai lu francais beaucoup mieux.

Moi aussi.

J'etudis pours douze ans, mais joublis un beaucoup parce je ne parle jamais.

And I have no idea if those words are in the proper places... Verbs and adjectives before nouns and all that crap... Damn friggin rest of the world... Always putting the words backwards. :p

Heh! Heh! ( in French accent) Mois aussi.

Allez Pats!!! :patriots: