Update from Iraq


Sum Ergo Cogito
Mar 11, 2003
Reaction score
Hello to all, BuckWild is till alive and I still have all my body parts.

The weather here continues to suck.

Outside of the occasional RPG round, or small arms fire, or attempted car bombing, life here is pretty quiet. Except for the mortars, those bastards are loud.

My wife is sending me my Pats flag so hopefully I will be able to take some pictures here shortly and post them for all to laugh at, I mean see. I will be the guy in uniform holding the rifle and the Pats flag, yuck, yuck, yuck

Thanks to all for filling me in on the draft. It was good to hear the positive ring to the evaluations. Let's hope it works out like it should.

To freak, I have had numerous opportunities to talk with your fellow leather necks, on my numerous journeys through out Iraq, and you can rest assured that they are doing you proud. A bit strange, as most Marines are, but still tough and proud. Saw a sign a couple weeks ago outside An Nasariyah that stated "US Marines, will kill for food." Classic Marines. Most of them should be headed home shortly, good for them.

That's about all for now. I will post again when I can. Someone drink a cold beer for me this weekend.

BuckWild said:
Hello to all, BuckWild is till alive and I still have all my body parts.

My wife is sending me my Pats flag so hopefully I will be able to take some pictures here shortly and post them for all to laugh at, I mean see. I will be the guy in uniform holding the rifle and the Pats flag, yuck, yuck, yuck

That's about all for now. I will post again when I can. Someone drink a cold beer for me this weekend.


Hey, BW!! Great to hear from ya! Will look forward to seeing the photo that you post. Try to put it in OttawaPatty's Official PP Photo Thread, as that could use reviving, K?!... :)
Will do on the beer request, as we did at the Draft Party! :toast:
Do you have any idea when you will be home? Hope it's soon... 'Til then, take care, Larrry! :)
Stay safe, BW. Do you have decent hygene facilities yet?

That was my #1 complaint during Desert Storm. Didn't shower/bathe for about 45 days at one stretch.
Hey everyone, I just checked my PatriotsPlanet email account (for the first time in about three months) and discovered this old email from Buckwild. He has since posted below more recently but I thought I would pass it along anyway.

I feel bad, I would have liked to post this sooner:

Subject: (no subject)
From: "BuckWild"
Date: Wed, April 9, 2003 5:43 am
To: <norespect@patriotsplanet.com>

Hey NR, BuckWild here. I am sending this hoping it works and to give everyone an

I made it here just fine, plane ride wasn't too bad. Hit the ground in Kuwait City
and promptly had a missile warning. What a great way to greet someone.

Moved out of Kuwait City a short time later and I have never seen so much damn sand
in my life, this place looks like a huge friggin ash tray.

As far as the weather, well let's just say Texas is pretty cool compared to this
place. HOT, entirely too damn hot.

Well that all for now. I will try to update you again later.

BuckWild here. I am still alive. Yahoooooo!!!!!!!!!! Still have no idea when they will send us home. But here's a pic for all the great Pats fans here.
BuckWild here. I am still alive. Yahoooooo!!!!!!!!!! Still have no idea when they will send us home. But here's a pic for all the great Pats fans here.
And yet another great pic. Yes these are actually of me.
It's great to hear from you, BuckWild. Keep up the good work. Hope you get home safely as quickly as possible.
By the way, while you search for weapons of mass destruction, keep your eyes open for any signs of Falling Alice. We haven't heard from her in so long that I'm beginning to wonder if she might not be holed up in a bunker with Sadam.
BuckWild said:
Yes these are actually of me.

Great to hear from you BuckWild! Glad to hear once again that you are well. Come home safely.

Cool photos. Have the Iraqis come up with a defense for the Patriots' spread offense? You do realize that by posting these photos your image will now be freely cut and pasted onto many other bodies without your consent? I will of course do my best to see that that does not happen. Some people here hold nothing sacred. I'm afraid that in a moment of indiscretion I might copy them to the Photo Caption thread as well.... :D

Here's the first one:

"Here Sgt. (can't see the insignia??) Buck Wild is shown using the new tank miniaturization technology developed by the US Army. The Army has determined after some experimentation, that a smaller enemy is more easily defeated. An earlier project, code named "Big Target" has been scrapped."
Nice to hear from you Buck.

I hope that your stay in that oversized litter box is relatively brief and you come home safe and sound to a place where there are bikinis, beaches, hot dogs, pro football and all of the other things that make life worth living.

Loved the mini-tank. I wasn't sure at first if the tank was small or you were a friggin' giant.

That shot of the state-of-the-art Iraqi jet helps us all understand why they never actually fly them.

Thanks for posting and stop in again sometime soon as there will soon be actual Patriots football to talk about.

I emailed your pic, the one with the Pats flag, to a writer at the Patriot Ledger who covers the Pats. He might want to contact you for more info. Is that OK.

I PM'd and e-mailed you with my email address.

Mike Allen aka NEM
BuckWild said:
BuckWild here. I am still alive. Yahoooooo!!!!!!!!!! Still have no idea when they will send us home. But here's a pic for all the great Pats fans here.

I love it , representin' in the desert!
Hey buck come home will ya, all that fighting must make you ready to go nuts at home game.. By the way, is that a fighter behind you, or a really ugly planter? Looks like it's been there a while.
Stay safe and a speedy return to you, God bless.