3 Point Stan

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  • Lol, mine were both the same way. The poop is the hardest part. My younger one would have sat in it all day if he could. Pretty sure he still would if he could get away with it ROFL
    Boys are really hard to train. I chased Ryan around for 6 months. Nothing. The day after he turned 3 he took off his diaper and proclaimed he was a big boy and went potty. Go figure. Fruit Loops worked for me with the boys. They thought it was a blast to have something to aim for so I had them pick a color and shoot. And I wonder why they still pee over the bathroom.
    I call her Juggernaut, she just plows through everything. She climbs everything, falls off everything, smashes her head on everything, and laughs at it all. I'm glad I padded the whole floor of our tiled downstairs or we'd have been to the ER about 50 times...god bless gym foam tiles. She doesn't seem as bothered as we are, but it's hairy, no doubt...we've had to retire or turn every chair in the house on it's side, block off access to my recliner, etc because she climbs them, but doesn't seem to mind falling from 3' up when she climbs the back.
    LOL that's awesome! Kids heal so quick it's freaky, especially as a really old geezer who takes 2 months to heal a bruise!
    Doh! Did you want to use the Finals thread for one huge epic games thread?? I'm sorry I iz stoopid :sulk:
    Why for bad mojo? I did it because I did a seperate game thread each game for the Finals and we won :sulk:
    I just realized I never got to respond to your message :) Gotta love family days. Can't believe how quick those boys are growing up :) It will be fun watching those 2 growing up together for sure! Jake seems like he will keep up with big brother and then some! ;) Good luck to you when they get to their teenage years and the girls start coming around!

    Life has been insanely busy. New job at work. Now my boss is leaving so it's gonna make everything even more of a challenge. But what can ya do? You just gotta go with it! I can't wait for summer to be in full swing though!
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