TBrownslady Jul 13, 2010 Oh I am? lol I didn't know. It's that poker I hit a royal flush maxed out bet LOL
E E easycome_easygo Jan 22, 2009 Oh I am sorry about that. hehe *evil laugh* Have a good day my friend.
xpatriotpatsfan Nov 23, 2008 no no no no dips in the Atlantic!! it's moderated by the gulf stream ---- i'm going through the ice at Lincoln Woods!!
no no no no dips in the Atlantic!! it's moderated by the gulf stream ---- i'm going through the ice at Lincoln Woods!!
xpatriotpatsfan Nov 23, 2008 i'm in Rhode Island, came for the weather it's coffee time and time to get moving
E E easycome_easygo Nov 20, 2008 I'm glad that you get to see your family again. My throat is hurting right now. I hope I'm not getting sick.
I'm glad that you get to see your family again. My throat is hurting right now. I hope I'm not getting sick.
E E easycome_easygo Nov 20, 2008 Are you ready for Thanksgiving? I really excited because I get to see my grandparents. They're getting up there in age so I don't know how much longer I will have them in my life.
Are you ready for Thanksgiving? I really excited because I get to see my grandparents. They're getting up there in age so I don't know how much longer I will have them in my life.