ParanoidPatriot Feb 27, 2013 No bare ground for another month. We may be dodging a major bullet today with rain so far. This winter has convinced me to continue with my 3 days per week working for another couple of years.
No bare ground for another month. We may be dodging a major bullet today with rain so far. This winter has convinced me to continue with my 3 days per week working for another couple of years.
BostonTim Feb 21, 2013 Great to hear from you. Italy WAS fabulous. Thanks. Hope all is well with you. Take care. Cheers
AllWorldTE Mar 3, 2011 Thanks RG. I figured they were going to go that route after the last couple years. It's a nice tribute.
Thanks RG. I figured they were going to go that route after the last couple years. It's a nice tribute.
PumpDee Jan 27, 2011 That gif is multifunctional. She is giving you the bird AND she has a pretty sweet rack.
tommysgirl Jan 16, 2011 Kick the ****ing ball already!!!!!!!!!:Ohbaby::Ohbaby::Ohbaby::Ohbaby::Ohbaby:
tommysgirl Dec 6, 2010 Tonight is for Tedy. Let's kill these ****ers. Awwwwww.....yeah.:Ohbaby::Ohbaby::Ohbaby: