ALison Stokke pic


Boston Sports
Aug 31, 2006
Reaction score
I posted a pic of Alison Stokke that looked -- to me -- the same as the pic that 3PS posted. He sent me a PM telling me to delete it.

Then it got deleted by a mod, I assume.

What happened?

I meant no harm....
sometimes the picture you link will protect bandwidth or something and you get a totally different picture of a nude English looking dame - full frontal - full monty exposing the hardware in a way not to be discussed this close to lunch
Yeah I changed it on the original post to an attached pic and then deleted the pics from the quoted responses. Some sites when hotlinked will change the pic - often to something very nasty. I never saw what this one was changed to, but thought it better to be safe.
The hot-linked image would have made Bea Arthur appear "do-able." P4e still woulda hit it though.
Yes, DS, it was me last night that removed the hot link to the image. It was one of the deals that UT described, where you had it linked properly, but that sight did not allow/like people linking to their image. So instead of a pic of that tasty track and field gal, there was a god awful picture of a very old hag, naked, showing her innards. Yukky.
Oh, I guess what I did was superfluous. No wonder I didn't see the new hotlink. ROFL