Hating Kobe: A Writer's Guide

Hey Scar, the last time the whole Celtics team was healthy for a full season they bitch slapped the hell out of your boys team in the Finals. Funny how your pictures commemorate that fact.
How does it feel knowing that the Lakers left Championships on the table that they probably would have won in the mid-2000's If the Rapist didn't pull his foot-stomping ego-tripping act and demand that shaq be traded?

If memory serves me correctly, the Rapist forced Jerry West to pick between him and shaq going forward a season or 2 after they ripped off their 3rd consecutive Championship. He is so much of an egomaniac that he couldn't even step back and let a good thing be; he forced the Shaq trade and Jackson's subsequent walking.

All he had to do was just sit back and win more championships, but instead he is so much of a douchebag egomaniac he forced West to blow it all up. Then he thanked him by Raping someone.

What a tool