I am having sporadic discharge coming from my pee-pee, is this bad?

Did you nail Jets Babe? if so, go to teh kitchen, find a butcher knife and hack it off..
Is it from reading threads w Hooterbots Salma Hayek avatar in it? Thats normal.
Stop masterbating it will go away.
<embed src="http://media.imeem.com/m/_Y6qZPUE3i/aus=false/" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="300" height="110" wmode="transparent"></embed></object><div style="background-color:#E6E6E6;padding:1px;"><div style="float:left;padding:4px 4px 0 0;"><a href="http://www.imeem.com/"><img src="http://www.imeem.com/embedsearch/E6E6E6/" border="0" /></a></div><form method="post">
Uh... I just threw up a little in my mouth.

Mission Accomplished (imagine me standing tall on the deck of a kick ass aircraft carrier with a HUGE banner behind my beautiful head that says "Mission Accomplished")