MERGED - Baby for Brady and Bridget

I bet he did not even know she was going to have a baby when they broke up. As a single parent he can still be a good father and not marry someone he does not love. If in fact it is his kid.
Guess that he had protection problems on and off of the football field.
How does this happen in this day and age? I know that no form of birth control is 100% effective and it takes two to tango but this sounds like a case of someone being intentionally careless.
Well i guess you'd expect this from a classless franchise like the Patriots. I heard from a guy that Steve Neal has little rasslers all up and down the East Coast.
They dated for 3 years. Not like it was 3 months. Give the guy a break. I am sure he will be a great Dad. Someone said Bridget may not let Tom see the baby. She has no choice if he is the dad. As a single parent you can be a good parent without being married to the mother.
Considering her age and the fact that she wanted a marriage and kids, I wouldn't be surprised if Bridget pulled the old "pinholes in the condoms" trick. ;)

As for Brady seeing the baby, that's ridiculous. He's an outstanding young man, and he's got money up the wazoo. There's no way she wouldn't want him involved, and there's no way she'd legally be able to keep him out anyway. And, since it's his first, I'm sure he'll want to have some interaction.

Who knows? They might even get back together. Hell, if they dated for three years, there's obviously a connection there. Maybe they were taking more of a "time out", and this will instigate a reconciliation.

Anyways, this is all their personal business and will have no impact on his play on the football field, so... whatever.
This chick wanted what he didn't want. To get married! So they brokeup!

She obviously trapped the guy. Go out for 3 years having sex regularly and now - just when it all comes to a head, she gets pregnant? Please, this has trap all over it.

He probably did know about it and was pissed that she did what she did. He did the right thing if he truly did not want to marry her. I am sure it was a shock to her when her plan did not work and he walked leaving her arse behind preggers and then hooking up with Gisele like a week later! Man, this guy really does have ice in his veins. Could he be more of a God than he already was????

What a biatch Bridget turned out to be! That being said, I am sure all will work out OK for Tom. He will do his best at being a Dad. Just that those weekend visits will be awkward when Tom shows up to pick up the baby with Gisele. Bridget will be all eating Ben & Jerry's with a face full of zits, greasy hair, and a gut and Gisele will be talking about her latest Victoria Secret ad campaign!

In all seriousness, this is sad. I feel badly for him if he did fall into a trap here. I am sure this is not how he wanted to start a family. God, why do women have to be so damned cold and calculating!?
DrewWho on 02-18-2007 at 10:02 AM said:
This chick wanted what he didn't want. To get married! So they brokeup!

She obviously trapped the guy. Go out for 3 years having sex regularly and now - just when it all comes to a head, she gets pregnant? Please, this has trap all over it.

He probably did know about it and was pissed that she did what she did. He did the right thing if he truly did not want to marry her. I am sure it was a shock to her when her plan did not work and he walked leaving her arse behind preggers and then hooking up with Gisele like a week later! Man, this guy really does have ice in his veins. Could he be more of a God than he already was????

What a biatch Bridget turned out to be! That being said, I am sure all will work out OK for Tom. He will do his best at being a Dad. Just that those weekend visits will be awkward when Tom shows up to pick up the baby with Gisele. Bridget will be all eating Ben & Jerry's with a face full of zits, greasy hair, and a gut and Gisele will be talking about her latest Victoria Secret ad campaign!

In all seriousness, this is sad. I feel badly for him if he did fall into a trap here. I am sure this is not how he wanted to start a family. God, why do women have to be so damned cold and calculating!?

Make misogynistic assumptions often? Your girlfriend must feel like she's one lucky gal... :rolleyes:
Regardless of the facts surrounding their break-up, congrats to both. Having just become a father myself last December, nothing I will ever do in my life will compare and I'm still on cloud 9. I hope they can both share in the happiness and the baby is happy and healthy.
JD10367 on 02-18-2007 at 10:02 AM said:
Anyways, this is all their personal business and will have no impact on his play on the football field, so... whatever.

I say congratulations and best wishes to mother, father and child.
Here I thought he was the father of Anna Nichol Smith's....nevermind

There goes the White House bid