Do you mean that every 15min one they used to do? I don't know why they stopped that, I liked it for a quick recap, it was like the USA Today of Boston sports. Other than watching Bruins/Sox that was the only other thing I watched on there. There's the NBC Boston Sports channel in the morning, but those are just repeats of their nightly show.

If you're talking about the radio show they used to simulcast, I think they moved to Twitch.
Yeah, I meant the 15 minute one. I don't listen to sports talk radio, so I definitely don't watch that.
Smart move, it's kind of terrible, though I do like the silliness that is Wiggy
That show was awful but I have missed it a wee tad as of late because with the B's and C's in the playoffs, I wanted to tune in for a quick recap of the Sox. Oh well.
The next time I hear something smart coming from Wiggy's mouth will be the first time he ever said something smart. Wiggy is a fool and a dumb one at that.
I hate to call someone dumb but yeah. His goofy personality has grown on me though and he makes me laugh. It's not like he's a bad guy or anything. I hardly listen to that radio show though, can't stand the other 2 guys on there.