The most heroic WWII flight


Apr 9, 2005
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The link came across my desk this AM and seemed too amazing to be true. Naturally, to verify the tale I went on line (where there are in fact countless confirmations). Perhaps the more interesting part of the link is the lead-up back story telling how Zeamer and his motley crue arrived at that moment in history.

I've also included the History Channel's iteration of the mission.

<iframe width="420" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

I love reading about, learning about REAL heroes.

Cheers, BostonTim
Truly uplifting story of real heroes. Thanks for posting, BT.

Here's another article about Zeamer and his gang of misfits that goes into their part in the Battle of the Bismarck Sea as well as more recon missions.
Because of those photos, MacArthur and Halsey planned Operation Cartwheel to invade the islands.
I love these types of stories. Thanks for posting and for the follow up from Chevss.
The most heroic WWII flight. Also, the most 'metal' \m/
Great story BT, thanks for posting! Those guys were incredible- to get the much needed photos, and then have to fight for their lives- super inspiring story.
Thank you for posting that.

That truly was America's Greatest Generation.
That's awesome. It sounds like there was a hell of a lot of courage, coupled with really smart thinking.

On our last trip to NYC, we visited the USS Intrepid, which I recommend strongly. They have full-size versions of the Dive Bombers the Navy used. The gun turret was insanely small and not exactly bulletproof. It's really sobering to think what these guys put up with.