Think Pink

I have never seen a more perfect view from behind in my 40 years on this earth. friends...Is like niagara falls, the grand canyon, and the aurora borealis all rolled into one perfect rump.

It is majestic, awesome, breathtaking, and quite honestly........just a gift from our maker to show us how whether we are 8 or 80, something like THAT will stop us dead in our tracks and make us forget everything.

That, my friends...Is THE perfect ass.
She's ok but I don't think I could have sex with this girl more than like 6-7 times in row before taking a half-hour break. Then only maybe another 3-4 times right in a row after that.
She's ok but I don't think I could have sex with this girl more than like 6-7 times in row before taking a half-hour break. Then only maybe another 3-4 times right in a row after that.
Its a good thing I'm here to help in case you get tired..A thing like that should be serviced 24/7...:coffee:
My kids' running joke with their friends right now is to pretend they're obnoxiously aggressive political reporters. So after anyone does, says, or sees pretty much anything they'll stick a pretend microphone in your face and say "What's your position on this?"

So that jumped to mind here...I hesitate to see the responses.

In the spirit of of the political season...

President Clinton, what's your position on that?

- Well, I uh, think that it would be completely inappropriate to limit myself to just one position on an issue like this. You need to be careful and creative - it is a tightly structured issue, with a couple deep rabbit holes you could go down and get lost in. You have to appreciate that this particular issue is well-rounded, and you need to make sure you have a big enough stick to attack the issue. If you come at it with a policy that is too narrow, you'll really only be touching the edges of the problem, and while it might give you a short term lift, it won't satisfy everyone in the long term.

My proposal is to earmark about half a billion dollars for a project to deeply probe and analyze this issue from every angle. As I said, I can visualize many different positions here, and it would be a shame to lock into just one. This could be a golden opportunity, and I can picture the golden shower of prosperity trickling down to every class of people.

I'm known as a uniter for a reason: one thing we can all agree on is that to do nothing would be tragic - all of us can get behind this issue. We need to get on it as quickly as possible. I'm urging Congress and President Obama to harden their resolve, and to lube the wheels of government.

We have been bitterly divided for years, but it is in our tradition: E Pluribus Unum - From Many, One. If this issue cannot make us come together as one, what can?

To those who would be divisive on this matter - I'm looking at you, Representative Frank - I beg you to keep silent for the good of the nation. Your objections, and those of your caucus, are noted, and we don't give a shit.

God bless you all, and God Bless America!

*thumbs up, bite lip*
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