This is the thread where you talk about Zombies

sonsofkraftybob on 03-23-2007 at 04:57 PM said:
All honest people are welcome.

I was have to know where to go when it's time to get out!
sonsofkraftybob on 03-23-2007 at 03:58 PM said:
Even more so to be a goner...what are you gonna do...piddle around lake michigan while I am setting up defenses on Nantucket (after killing everyone who lives there just to be on the safe side)
[voice=Dennis Hopper]Lake Michigan!?! Fvck that shit! Ohio River![/voice]
1) Network news
2) Rarely
3) White collar
4) Wilderness survival; disaster preparedness
5) Occasional
6) Average
7) Rural
8) Midwest
9) Multi-story house
10) Adequate
11) Easily destroyed upper floor access
12) No
13) Communal
14) Rocky Line
15) Automobile
16) Small group
17) Other West Indian island
18) No
19) No
BY1401 on 03-23-2007 at 05:11 PM said:
1) Network news
2) Rarely
3) White collar
4) Wilderness survival; disaster preparedness
5) Occasional
6) Average
7) Rural
8) Midwest
9) Multi-story house
10) Adequate
11) Easily destroyed upper floor access
12) No
13) Communal
14) Rocky Line
15) Automobile
16) Small group
17) Other West Indian island
18) No
19) No

How the hell are you gonna get from Indiana to some West Indian Island??????

I would have choose baja if i thought it was feasible....hence I chose inhabited (until I got there) atlantic island.

Just cuz it said west indian...doesn't mean west some spit of dirt in the middle of your local swimming hole!!!!

I'm taking my guns and going home:sulk:
This thread has inspired me to kick some zombie ass this evening (probably just before I go make waffles)

sonsofkraftybob on 03-23-2007 at 04:17 PM said:
How the hell are you gonna get from Indiana to some West Indian Island??????

I would have choose baja if i thought it was feasible....hence I chose inhabited (until I got there) atlantic island.

Just cuz it said west indian...doesn't mean west some spit of dirt in the middle of your local swimming hole!!!!

I'm taking my guns and going home:sulk:
It just said if you were to plan an escape by sea. I'm sure if I got to that point I'd just commandeer my brother's boat. Lol.
HelenaHandbsket on 03-23-2007 at 05:21 PM said:
This thread has inspired me to kick some zombie ass this evening (probably just before I go make waffles)


There seems to be a serious anti-zombie sentiment right now :rolleyes:
HelenaHandbsket on 03-23-2007 at 04:21 PM said:
This thread has inspired me to kick some zombie ass this evening (probably just before I go make waffles)

Ash didn't call it his boomstick until Army of Darkness.
Baron Samedi on 03-23-2007 at 01:23 PM said:
The Baron's list of real life zombies;

John Madden - his brain was eaten a long time ago, and he always repeats himself over and over over.

Pat Summerall - I've seen corpses that look better with less makeup.

Keith Richards - Does anyone disagree with this one?

Mick Jagger - Ugly as sin, and look at his herky jerk motions

Joe Cocker - see above

Christopher Walken - Someone has to be the Zombie Master, who better?

Dick Cheney - He actually died several years ago, but they keep pumping him full of proto-blood to keep him going

Nancy Pelosi - Talk about bride of Frankenstein, nuff said

Ted Kennedy - He's so pickled he will never die

Bob Dylan, Courtney Love, and of course the owner of the Dolphins, Wayne Hyzombie
Steve-o on 03-23-2007 at 11:57 AM said:
Annihilus, you read my mind.

I had another zombie dream last night, and I was gonna get on here and start a zombie thread today.

Were you in my dream? WHO ARE YOU?

Hell, you ought to know that by now: Annihilus's name is Legion, for he is many.
I think the absolute top score you can get if you answer every answer the correct way is like 55% or something like that. You are already 45% dead before you even get into the questions. 8)

Apparently the correct place to run to is the Rockies. You can kill all the zombies to the west and hold the passes through the mountains so none can come through from the east. Horse is the best mode of transport because you don't depend on gas. Traveling in a group of ten is best, enough to protect each other a bit but not enough to cause to much attention.

I got like 31% when I answered honestly and then tried to fool around with it to get the highest percentage I could.
OK. I was ashamed of my previous graphic that I slapped together in like 2 minutes, so I put some effort into a new and improved one.
headcase on 03-24-2007 at 05:08 AM said:
37% and that is after reading, and yes I own it, :

or some of the infomration is online here

That book is surprisingly entertaining. Annihilus has had it for months, but just started reading it this weekend.