We're DOOMED! Kids these days..

I had a hard time seeing some of the countries and places like Hawaii, Solomon Islands, Easter Island, and Galapagos....but I got them close enough.

They're prettty forgiving for awhile. Then, you can be from Austin to Houston
and ask about Rstu Von Begee.

Hmhmm. where?
I think Americans aren't as good at it simply because of where we live. I mean, if you live in Europe or Africa, you're surrounded by 35 podunk little countries. South America has a bunch, as does the Far East. In America? You basically grow up knowing "Canada is to the north, and Mexico is to the south". We learn our states, the way Europeans would learn their countries.
I only got to level 5 - about 146k total score. I think it was Easter Island, the Galapagos, Pearl Harbour and Gettysburg that did me in. I switched Hawaii and the Galapagos :(
I think Americans aren't as good at it simply because of where we live. I mean, if you live in Europe or Africa, you're surrounded by 35 podunk little countries. South America has a bunch, as does the Far East. In America? You basically grow up knowing "Canada is to the north, and Mexico is to the south". We learn our states, the way Europeans would learn their countries.

I think a good percentage of Americans could not label the states on a blank map of the U.S.

When I was in the Navy and told people I was from RI they thought I was from NY(Long Island) or tha RI was really an island.

I got to level 10. Africa gets me every time.
I think Americans aren't as good at it simply because of where we live. I mean, if you live in Europe or Africa, you're surrounded by 35 podunk little countries. South America has a bunch, as does the Far East. In America? You basically grow up knowing "Canada is to the north, and Mexico is to the south". We learn our states, the way Europeans would learn their countries.

I suspect it has as much to do with an insular view of the world. We Brits have the same problem.