Girl had hand grafted to her leg


Well-known member
Oct 26, 2010
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I asked my Wife to have a similar procedure so I could get the hand/foot job special. She said no.


“ In July, nine-year-old Ming Li lost her hand in a tractor accident. Her arm was too damaged to reattach it, so they grafted it to her leg instead. Three months later, her hand's back on her arm and regaining function.
I'm having trouble finding much in the way of detail on the story, which admittedly seems almost too crazy to be true, but then there is that picture!”
I asked my Wife to have a similar procedure so I could get the hand/foot job special. She said no.


“ In July, nine-year-old Ming Li lost her hand in a tractor accident. Her arm was too damaged to reattach it, so they grafted it to her leg instead. Three months later, her hand's back on her arm and regaining function.

I'm having trouble finding much in the way of detail on the story, which admittedly seems almost too crazy to be true, but then there is that picture!”
I got nothin' :doh:

and pal, around here, when I got nothin' you know you are the New Gold Standard off the charts perverted :p

I wonder if she'll get feeling back in the hand. I partially severed my left hand, at the wrist, when I was younger ( and I'm left handed) and had surgery to reattach everything but it was a race to get the nerves back again. Nerve tissue dies off very quickly and it slowly comes back. I'm sure she's happy to have the hand but going through the rehab years ago, I wonder how much use she's going to get back. I'm sure things have improved since I had mine done but it's of some interest to me anyway.
I wonder if she'll get feeling back in the hand. I partially severed my left hand, at the wrist, when I was younger ( and I'm left handed) and had surgery to reattach everything but it was a race to get the nerves back again. Nerve tissue dies off very quickly and it slowly comes back. I'm sure she's happy to have the hand but going through the rehab years ago, I wonder how much use she's going to get back. I'm sure things have improved since I had mine done but it's of some interest to me anyway.
:eek: yikes

what happened/surgery done at MA General/how is hand now???
I know someone who crashed his motorcycle a couple years ago and destroyed one of his arms. They rebuilt it twice with modern methods and the muscle and skin grafts died both times. They made one last attempt using the archaic method of rebuilding the arm and them grafting it to his stomach area because the circulation from there would help keep it alive (at least i think that's why they did it).

That try was successful though as you would expect the arm does not work perfectly by any means. He still has lots of trouble and limited use, but at least he didn't have it amputated.
Hand's fine. I've got about 80% use back in it( their estimates) which is pretty normal. The ends of the fingers are dull and I can only raise my hand from my wrist with about 80% movement but it's nothing that bothers me. I've got a huge scare on the wrist that looks like a suicide attempt ;)

It was a little bit shocking to see my hand just hanging there because I didn't feel it. The nerves were severed so there was no pain, just a floppy hand and I remember seeing lots of white inside. I don't know if it was bone or what but that was my recollection at the time.
When I was a 10 I was in a car accident with the family and my left index finder was severed just below the second joint. Dr's were able to reattach it, but it was too damaged to be of much use. I could not bend it enough to make a fist or even to just get it out of the way.

Being an active kid I kept re-injuring it and then one day while skate boarding, I put by hand down while falling off my board and the finger hit the street first and it was nearly severed again. The Dr’s gave me the option of fusing it, which would be just more of the same, or taking it off. They took out the entire finger and knuckle – so many folks don’t even notice that I’m missing a finger.

Being right handed I did not really miss it much if at all. It actually allows for a better golf grip as I can get my hands closer together.