Gunner Esiason


Nov 25, 2002
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First of all... holy cow, has this kid grown or what????

Did any of you see the story on ESPN (E:60) about Gunner Esiason and his family's battle with Cystic Fibrosis? What a nice story.

Say what you will about Boomer Esiason as a football analyst, but he is one hell of a Dad with a really special kid. This kid fought through CF, IV antibiotic medications and his Mom's wishes to play backup QB in high school. Then they put the kid in to play in a game and he chucked a legit TD pass (with a Colts defender hanging all over him). As a Dad this story gave me renewed respect for Boomer Esiason and renewed thanks for my boys who are healthy as oxen. Can't say that I've ever been choked up by an ESPN story until now.
That was a great story. The kid seems to have a really good head on his shoulders, which is saying a lot when you look at other celebrities kids getting in trouble with the law and just generallly acting the fool.
I have always liked Boomer ever since he was the first decent Bagels player in forever. Got to love him now for his total backing of the Patriots. Never misses a chance to applaud them. So that's double good and then the fact that he is such a righteous man in his personal life is the capper.

But I never miss a chance to pass along my all time favorite Boomer quote. His description of Bernie Kosar under center: "He looked like a praying mantis out there."

cracks me up every time . . .
For those who missed it like I did, ESPN has the video.

<object width="440" height="361"><param name="movie" value=""/><param name="wmode" value="transparent"/><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always"/><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="440" height="361" allowScriptAccess="always"></embed></object>
Thanks Pookie and Bid for linking it

this hits home for me, My daughter was thought to have CF during the testing after her birth - turns out she is only a carrier of the Gene - luckily I wasn't but my wife is as is her brother.

simply put, both parents must have the gene in order for it to be activated in the child

My Niece has this disease and is a cheerleader for Pop Warner this year for the 1st time - a great find and thanks for sharing - I've shared this to her mom