Hot or Not?

Ladies, hot or not?

JD10367 on 02-17-2008 at 03:47 PM said:
Forgot to add: I think we had this cute/hot debate in a couple of other threads. I think "hot" might be better for a night, but "cute" might be better for a long-term relationship.

They always pair movie/TV females that way, too.

"Three's Company": Chrissie = hot, Janet = cute

"Gilligan's Island": Ginger = hot, Mary Anne = cute

"Charlie's Angels": Farrah Fawcett = hot, Kate Jackson = cute. (Jacyln Smith was both.)

"Buffy": Buffy = hot, Willow = cute


I always prefer the "cute" one. JMO.

Interesting. I guess its about the same from a woman's point of view. Cute is an "aww he's so sweet" kinda good looking, hot is an "omg i want him now" kinda good looking. they both are good but a guy that's hot and has no substance behind him, no thank you. imo, sexiness is the best, a mixture of both cute and hot. sexiness, for me, is dependent on a guys personality (confidence being one of the keys)

cute would be matt damon
hot would be brad pitt
sexy would be tom brady or george clooney

although i do find matt damon and brad pitt to be sexy...there doesnt necessarily have to be a distinction btw those categories
BradyLady12 on 02-17-2008 at 04:49 PM said:
Is he actually flexing his testicles too? :p

ROFL Weird! I didn't even notice that til you pointed it out.
yppak on 02-17-2008 at 05:42 PM said:
Original Image before Photo Shop:


OK, will not let me link photo, link to Snopes with originals:

While the "skeletal" pics are definitely exaggerated, the "real" pics are still pretty bad. Those women are definitely anorexic, unhealthily underweight, and a lot less attractive than they'd be after a few boxes of Ring Dings, IMO.
Brownfan80 on 02-18-2008 at 01:04 PM said:
Why would anyone want to bang a skeleton? Gross.

Haven't you ever heard this saying, " The closer to the bone, the sweeter the meat."
Personally, I disagree, but some don't.
Spentcartridge on 02-18-2008 at 05:41 PM said:
Well men, some guys like women that have meat on their bones:


I see some axle work in that trucks future! :D
How do these babes walk? I can't even imagine that they're able to waddle.

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Like a nice blanket on a winter night!