This Is The Thread to Post In When You're Hammered

I am very sober. We went to the Greenwich Jazz and Beer Festival. It was full of twenty and thirty something tossers ("yah, I work in media"- F***ing wankers).

HOWEVER, there was real ale and Hayseed Dixie. They are truly teh awsum.
Since I'm not drinking beer-





For the winz.
Holy crap, they still make Fresca? :blink:
Do they still make Tab too?

Edit* apparently they do...

Tab sales have been dwarfed by those of Diet Coke, though enough people still prefer Tab to result in a production of about 3 million cases in 2008.<sup id="cite_ref-money09_1-2" class="reference">[2]</sup>



Egads. Vodka Lemon? It tastes like Pledge.
Yeah pretty much. God this shit is pretty awful.

Ever tasted Lemon Pledge?:coffee:
Ever tasted Lemon Pledge?:coffee:
Why would I when vodka and lemon would give me an idea of what Pledge tastes like while simultaneously getting me hammered?
Dont buy Lemon Vodka premixed/seasoned whateverthis shit is.

It works but it sucks and I just spent half an hour on my posts so nite nite.
Don't. Buy. Pre-mixed. ANYTHING.

But how does your furniture look?
lemonny and shiney but the animals lookn like they all attended Woodstock
The vodka pledge now hints of fake orange. just wander on by. just rambling here.