2 Day-Old BMW smashed by firefighters


Jan 14, 2004
Reaction score
Totally deserved it.


Firefighters battling an 8-alarm blaze in East Boston also had to contend with some asshole's brand new BMW, which was parked in front of a fire hydrant they needed to access as quickly as possible. They smashed the car's windows and ran the hose right through the front seat.

No one was injured in the Lexington Street fire, but 3 dozen residents were left homeless after a Toyota engine caught fire in an alley, sending several buildings up in flames.

<img src="http://i.kinja-img.com/gawker-media/image/upload/s--kY0q13Wk--/c_fit,fl_progressive,w_636/jltp286qutuutrzf6ai0.jpg">
Depending on his policy language, that might not be covered by insurance...
He got a big dent, busted windows & a ticket. Next time the moron will learn not to park in front of a fire hydrant .
Depending on his policy language, that might not be covered by insurance...

If he's smart, he'll leave out the firefighter part, wait a couple days and say this was vandalism somewhere else. Got what he deserved blocking a hydrant, but I could see if it's 1 AM, you're drunk, you've driven around and don't see any spaces within 4 blocks, want to go inside and get laid and you're leaving early in the morning - it's not so crazy to take the hydrant spot. There's a high probability that there wouldn't be a problem. It's easier to sympathize if you've lived in the city and have driven around for 20 minutes, unable to find parking.
If he's smart, he'll leave out the firefighter part, wait a couple days and say this was vandalism somewhere else. Got what he deserved blocking a hydrant, but I could see if it's 1 AM, you're drunk, you've driven around and don't see any spaces within 4 blocks, want to go inside and get laid and you're leaving early in the morning - it's not so crazy to take the hydrant spot. There's a high probability that there wouldn't be a problem. It's easier to sympathize if you've lived in the city and have driven around for 20 minutes, unable to find parking.
Sounds like you done this before
If he's smart, he'll leave out the firefighter part, wait a couple days and say this was vandalism somewhere else. Got what he deserved blocking a hydrant, but I could see if it's 1 AM, you're drunk, you've driven around and don't see any spaces within 4 blocks, want to go inside and get laid and you're leaving early in the morning - it's not so crazy to take the hydrant spot. There's a high probability that there wouldn't be a problem. It's easier to sympathize if you've lived in the city and have driven around for 20 minutes, unable to find parking.

Make sure to leave your windows open I guess then right? :insane:
Sounds like you done this before

I've never left a car in front of a hydrant. I'm just saying that of the bad things someone might do, this is more understandable than a lot of them. Years ago, I had a girlfriend that lived in Cambridge and I remember coming over late at night and not being able to find a space within 8 blocks, so I can relate a bit to someone cutting this corner.

The story is a good example that you shouldn't do this and the fact that it's a new beemer makes it seem like the person is used to feeling entitled. But, on the spectrum of douchiness, this is something I can understand someone doing, especially if they're thinking that they're leaving at 7 am. Obviously, that doesn't make it right, but people do all kinds of things that aren't right.
I've never left a car in front of a hydrant. I'm just saying that of the bad things someone might do, this is more understandable than a lot of them. Years ago, I had a girlfriend that lived in Cambridge and I remember coming over late at night and not being able to find a space within 8 blocks, so I can relate a bit to someone cutting this corner. The story is a good example that you shouldn't do this and the fact that it's a new beemer makes it seem like the person is used to feeling entitled. But, on the spectrum of douchiness, this is something I can understand someone doing, especially if they're thinking that they're leaving at 7 am. Obviously, that doesn't make it right, but people do all kinds of things that aren't right.
I see it all the time in newport. I had one a hole block half of my driveway. Just because he wanted to take his kids to a parade. He moved it after I threaten . To have his car towed if he left it there.