Aliens controlling Mass Pike Easy Pass guilty of brain theft?


Assclownism-it's the genes not a choice
Feb 7, 2005
Reaction score
Snorkeling thru motorcycle season
You be the judge!
I called the Pike Easy Pass customer service line today. I wanted to change the direct withdrawal info from my debit card (that I always forget to enter every month) to a credit card. NBD, right? It was a way that fulltilt could protect himself from self inflicted injury. I wanted no other changes.
So the rep couldn't find the info for me. It was direct withdrawal so I had no account number or pin number.
Then the rep suggested trying my wife's info. She hit up that search and got all the info right away. The rep informed me that as my name was not on the account she couldn't make any payment info changes.

The Alien connection? The rep who I'll call Helen has known me for EIGHTEEN YEARS!! SHE knew my address and the wife's name! She is making the wife call back to do this simple change. JHC!
Aliens and brain drain. They're out there.
Protect yourself.
She probably wanted to deal with a reputable individual, knowing that Full Tilt is a Ponzi scheme.
I got my EZ-Pass from New York. I can do all that stuff on-line.