Visiting Colts Fans: Use this thread and Apologies too!

wE NEED to go bacfk to talking abouT TOM BRADY Who is the Worst!!!! Payton Mannig is BEST!!! While snadwich is very tempting, my mother would not want me talking to a girls!!!!! She is always right and she says PAETON MANNIG IS BESTE!!!!
wE NEED to go bacfk to talking abouT TOM BRADY Who is the Worst!!!! Payton Mannig is BEST!!! While snadwich is very tempting, my mother would not want me talking to a girls!!!!! She is always right and she says PAETON MANNIG IS BESTE!!!!

Oooh, your mom sounds funny, too. I'd love to meet you both.
ROFLROFL This thread now has promise.

I think Patsload is winning with the awesome smack talk though.
ROFLROFL This thread now has promise.

I think Patsload is winning with the awesome smack talk though.
NO! T HIS IS NOT TRUE!! I Am always wINING!!! All experts agree I ahve BURNED PAtsload again anda again!!!!

Here is another smack talk against Patsload that will make me WINWINWIN!!!!: Koppen (he is a player on your team) Is made of CoPPER!! That is something taht cannot move or play football!! YESYES YES!!!! WIN!!!

I have often Won and this is again a WIN!!! I have many private messages from posters on tHIS BOARD who say I win and am the best!!!!
A collie is a dog dogs cannot play football patriots win ROFL that is me scratching a painful itch
I've tried, WSG, and I can't deny your charm. I can't deny what it does for me. :Ohbaby:
There iS NOT A SIGN FOR HIDING AND CRYINg and WhimPERING AT SAME TIME!!!! THIs is because PAtriots message board is WORST!!! COlts are bEST!!!!
I have many private messages from posters on tHIS BOARD who say I win and am the best!!!!

Is that why I could not get my messages through to you?

I've been trying to express my desires in ways that I can't say here in public.

If you could delete just one, I'll write you a book about what I want to do to you. ;)
Don;t you konw when you AR NOT WINNING!!! You are not bEST< IT IS PAETON MANNERS!!!! is best!!! Auction COlly is best!!! Better than a dog!!! This is TRUE!! You are NOT WINNING!!!:harumph:This is you reufsing to admit you are NOT BEST!! YOU are WORST like PATRIOS!

Here is another more smack talk you cannot win!!!: Collie is a dog trained to WINN!!! If you see, I took your smack and truned it back like PAYTON MANOG WIll turn back losses and gvie them to PATRIOTS (worsts!)!!!

:huh:With this sign I shouw you wondering how you could ever WINWINWIN!!! LIke ME WIN!

A collie is a dog dogs cannot play football patriots win ROFL that is me scratching a painful itch
YOU CANNOT WIn and send me message!!! My mother screens all messages and lets none from girls come to me so I can WINWINWIN on message board!!! My mother is BEST@@!!! LIke PAyRON MANNING!!!! (not like PATIOTS (worst))!!!

:thwak:This shows you being told to leave me alone by my motehr.

Is that why I could not get my messages through to you?

I've been trying to express my desires in ways that I can't say here in public.

If you could delete just one, I'll write you a book about what I want to do to you. ;)