Do you care about rep?

I don't know if I have ever "rep'd" anyone. If I did it was maybe once or twice.

"Back in the old days" there was no rep. If you wanted to compliment (or bitch at someone) you did it in front of everyone dammit!

I like you to :)
Always care about rep in prison..when you first get there..find the biggest strongest ****er that's not affiliated with any of the inside games, and start to wail on him. You may lose but it'll show everyone else you have no fear and thus they'll fear you.
Always care about rep in prison..when you first get there..find the biggest strongest ****er that's not affiliated with any of the inside games, and start to wail on him. You may lose but it'll show everyone else you have no fear and thus they'll fear you.

Or, you'll end up as somebody's bitch, ensuring that you will get mor esex than anyone else in the joint.
I guess I enjoy a casual repping as much as the next guy.

Since we're on topic, how do we know who has the most rep?

I'll lay it out there and say I have 2,167 rep points. I am sure that's not even close to the leader board. But I also only have 2,934 total posts here so I'm probably among the highest percentage shooters :)
I guess I enjoy a casual repping as much as the next guy.

Since we're on topic, how do we know who has the most rep?

I'll lay it out there and say I have 2,167 rep points. I am sure that's not even close to the leader board. But I also only have 2,934 total posts here so I'm probably among the highest percentage shooters :)

I know TG has more than I do, but I dont' know about anyone else.
I guess I enjoy a casual repping as much as the next guy.

Since we're on topic, how do we know who has the most rep?

I'll lay it out there and say I have 2,167 rep points. I am sure that's not even close to the leader board. But I also only have 2,934 total posts here so I'm probably among the highest percentage shooters :)

4, the math. But I have bewbies.
It's true. Boobs = Rep.

Big Jim and the Twins might have to make a cameo appearance I think.