Let's all get fit

P90x. Welcome to the gun show.

Oh and walking on campus mon-thurs
Nice job Steve-o!

And good suggestion about hiking. (If it was indeed a suggestion.) I've gotten a lot of friends into it over the course of many years.

If anyone wants local suggestions, chime in or PM me.
I am an avid hiker as soon as the snakes go back into hiding. THere is NOTHING like it for slimming down and having a sweet time while doing it.
The key thing I've heard from anyone who has lost weight AND kept it off was to find something you really like to do. Hiking is a good one and can be a lifestyle changer if you make it a habit/hobby to seek out new hikes, etc etc.

I do CrossFit myself, and like it because the workouts are different each time (well, if you redo a Workout its obviously the same, but if you track your results you can compete against your previous results for motivation). I also started taking Karate a couple of years ago at the same place my kids go. They offered a free adult class and I really liked it. (they originally had crossfit elements in the karate class but then broke it into two different "classes" as it was killing everybody!)

whatever it is, I also find that someone else to do it with is a huge help (kind of like sex). You can keep each other motivated.

good luck to everyone!
I hover between 235 and 245, and really should be more like 200-220. Of course, I sit all day, almost never exercise, and eat crap. But I'm getting tired of going to the doc for bloodwork and getting that nasty note in the mail about how I need to eat better because my bad cholesterol is too high and my good cholesterol is too low, etc.,.

The first step I've taken sounds small and stupid, but... For breakfast, I usually have four slices of toast. Granted, two of them are usually "healthy" bread and two white, and I use good healthy spread (e.g. Smart Balance). But that's literally been my breakfast for, oh, around 25 years. So, I keep seeing how cereal is good for you, thus I'm now alternating one morning of toast with one morning of a bowl of cereal with 2% milk (something decent, like Corn Flakes or Raisin Bran... not sugary kid's stuff).
I should add that weight has never really been a problem for me, but my general fitness was. I'm getting older (44) and was feeling my age before I started the above fitness "stuff".

I know a lot of poeple that did Atkins when it first came out, and I don't know a single one of them that didn't put all the weight right back on once they stopped it. they never changed their overall lifestyle.
I should add that weight has never really been a problem for me, but my general fitness was. I'm getting older (44) and was feeling my age before I started the above fitness "stuff".

I know a lot of poeple that did Atkins when it first came out, and I don't know a single one of them that didn't put all the weight right back on once they stopped it. they never changed their overall lifestyle.

Everyone's looking for a quick fix, an easy answer. The word "diet" doesn't mean "something you go on to lose weight"; your diet is literally "what you eat". There are three things to do to lose weight: eat less, eat right, and exercise. It's pretty damn simple, but 99% of us don't want to do one of them, let alone all three. I eat too much, I eat crap, and I'm sedentary. Thus, I'm too fat.
I should add that weight has never really been a problem for me, but my general fitness was. I'm getting older (44) and was feeling my age before I started the above fitness "stuff".

I know a lot of poeple that did Atkins when it first came out, and I don't know a single one of them that didn't put all the weight right back on once they stopped it. they never changed their overall lifestyle.
I did Atkins and can honestly say, I didn't put all the weight back on when I stopped.

Seriously Atkins gets a bad rap because people think you just sit around eating bacon all day..it is a good diet. And it works.
The key thing I've heard from anyone who has lost weight AND kept it off was to find something you really like to do. Hiking is a good one and can be a lifestyle changer if you make it a habit/hobby to seek out new hikes, etc etc.

I do CrossFit myself, and like it because the workouts are different each time (well, if you redo a Workout its obviously the same, but if you track your results you can compete against your previous results for motivation). I also started taking Karate a couple of years ago at the same place my kids go. They offered a free adult class and I really liked it. (they originally had crossfit elements in the karate class but then broke it into two different "classes" as it was killing everybody!)

whatever it is, I also find that someone else to do it with is a huge help (kind of like sex). You can keep each other motivated.

good luck to everyone!

Cross-fit is hard-core. After some of those Nasty Girls workouts I'm just a quivering lump of protoplasm.

If you do cross-fit, you're probably aware of the paleo diet. For those who aren't, here's a link: http://whole9life.com/2010/05/whole-30-v2/

I've been doing the paleo thing since May 1st, and I got back down to my high-school weight (160) in three months. I was around 180 when I started.

Diet and exercise. It really works, but only if you're committed.
Nice job Steve-o!

And good suggestion about hiking. (If it was indeed a suggestion.) I've gotten a lot of friends into it over the course of many years.

If anyone wants local suggestions, chime in or PM me.

The greatest thing about hiking, I think, is that you have a real, tangible goal. You can be tired as hell, but you're like "I can see the top. I'ma do this." And you do.
I'm down to about 174 (from about 185). I'd still like to drop another 5 lbs. or so. I've got a decent metabolism but me and conventional exercise... we don't see eye-to-eye so I try to eat healthy on a regular basis. Much harder to do that during the summer months as about 2/3rd of my annual beef diet is probably consumed in that time-frame... Along with 90% of my rib diet... 100% of my hot dog diet... 60% of my cheeseburger diet...

You get the picture.
Atkins gets a bad rap because it is a genuinely unhealthy way to eat.

That said, I'm thrilled it worked for you.

How is lean protein and green,leafy veggies an unhealthy way to eat? That is what you are supposed to eat on Atkins.
I opened a can of worms I'm not really interested in following right now. It was a mistake on my part, so please accept my apology.
No apology necessary :)
Atkins works in the short term, simply because it limits what you can eat, so naturally, you'll end up eating fewer calories. No diet is going to be faster or slower than any other diet. It's calories in/calories out that will make up the differences for you.

I'm not on any "diet" per se. I'm using a Droid app called "Calorie Counter" by FatSecret, and I just track the calories I'm eating. Keeping track of what I eat has been huge. Oh, you mean that burrito I usually get with the cheese and the sour cream and the guacamole is 1300 calories???

So, really, I can eat whatever I want. But if I have that 1300 calorie burrito for lunch, maybe it's a bowl of broccoli dipped in chicken broth for dinner. :banghead:
Atkins works in the short term, simply because it limits what you can eat, so naturally, you'll end up eating fewer calories. No diet is going to be faster or slower than any other diet. It's calories in/calories out that will make up the differences for you.

I'm not on any "diet" per se. I'm using a Droid app called "Calorie Counter" by FatSecret, and I just track the calories I'm eating. Keeping track of what I eat has been huge. Oh, you mean that burrito I usually get with the cheese and the sour cream and the guacamole is 1300 calories???
The first few weeks of Atkins you drop a ton, usually.

For me it makes sense. I am not supposed to have any wheat/oat/barley or rye anyway so the only extra thing I give up is potatoes and rice.
I quit smoking 9/15/09 so 1 year anniversary coming. I gained about 7 lbs all in my gut. I try to walk 3 miles a day to try and keep it down/off.